Plans: Jacob x Reader

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You stood at the top of the grand staircase, heart hammering and eyes widening when you realized that everyone gathered together at the party was still very much awake. You couldn't understand it. The grenades that Alec gave you definitely should have worked. You went over the schematics with Alec and Evie twice and the layout of the building with Jacob a dozen times or more.

One of the ladies at the party gasped, drawing everyone's attention as she shouted, "Guards! There are intruders!"

You spun from the stairs and stalked past Jacob. "They should have been asleep."

"Don't look at me. This was your idea." Jacob was all too pleased with himself, smugly smirking about the whole situation. He was usually the one who came up with the terrible plans that of course ended all too terribly. And you were usually the one who got to say "I told you so".

"I don't understand..." Your steps quickened to reach the next staircase that led towards the floor above. You couldn't see the sleeping gas which meant the grenades hadn't released their chemicals yet. "Unless, you didn't set the timer. God, Jacob, please tell me you set the timers!"

"Course I did. Definitely. Maybe?" He gave a huff, shocked at the suggestion. "No, I definitely set them just how you showed me. You just got it wrong and can't admit it."

You reached the base of the steps and threw him a glare. "Or, like usual, you mucked it all up." But you swallowed your words when you watched the thick cloud of gas roll lazily down the steps. Your eyes narrowed, peering over at his haughty grin. "Not a word, Frye."

He gave a slight tilt of his head, brows rising and smirk deepening. "You owe me an apology."

The guards clamored from the lower level which drew both Jacob's and your attention. You rushed to the closest window and shoved it open. "I'll apologize later. Right now, we need to get out of reach of the smoke. Or we'll end up unconscious with the rest of the household."

He leaned his shoulder into the wall, hands clasped while he watched you throw your legs out the window. "Is it truly so difficult to just say sorry."

"Shut up and get out here." You reached up and pulled your weight higher along the outer walls of the mansion. You took a quick glance down just to make sure Jacob made it out of the window without further complications. You couldn't even count the number of times he made something explode prematurely or get himself surrounded inconveniently by a patrol of guards.

You hauled your weight over the ledge of the roof and rolled until your spine was against its surface. You released a heavy breath of air and cursed yourself for the bad timing. The guards likely alerted the party goers to evacuate. And there went the entire plan altogether.

Jacob chuckled delightedly, sitting all too gingerly on the edge of the rooftop.

"Don't even," you spat. "I swear, Frye, if you tell anyone about this."

"Wouldn't dare." He tilted his head away but the corner of his mouth curled gently into a sly smirk. "After drinking out at the pub, though, can't promise I won't blurt anything."

You gave a low growl and kicked the heel of your boot into his shoulder.

He laughed harder and shoved your foot away. "Oi! I believe you owe me an apology."

"Not happening." You nudged your chin at him with a huff and closed your eyes. "You've had worse plans--" You gasped when the heat of his hand encased your hip.

Jacob was already leaning over you, hands moving down along your thighs and his mouth hovered over yours. He rolled his bottom lip into his mouth, tongue sweeping across it until it was glistening. His eyes were lidded, attention roving down along your expression to seek out either acceptance or denial.

You couldn't help the soft sigh that escaped. You muttered it, somewhat breathy, "I'm... not sorry." Your lips pulled into a wide toothy smile just as Jacob began to laugh.

His forehead dropped down against your shoulder, his chest shaking from his fading chuckle. He gave a light moan before easing his full weight down onto you, bury himself against your form. "Stubborn."

You released a contented breath, fingers brushing through the thick tresses of his hair. "I guess I'll be the one to tell Evie my plan failed."

"Or." Jacob raised his head with a cheeky grin. "We could head to the pub and get besotted before ever even go near her."

"She'll kill us..."

"At least then we'll be too drunk to care." Jacob jumped to his feet and pulled you up with him. "And since you can't apologize properly, you owe me a drink."

"Apologize? I bet you set the timers wrong."

He gave a mocked gasp. "It's painful to admit you're wrong, isn't it?"

"Shut up and get us to the pub, Frye."

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