Assassin Weebs

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blackheartsweater said: OKAY but what if all assassins are weebs in different levels. Arno is the king of weeaboos imsorrybutivebeenthinkingabouthisforsolong

I actually had to research this a bit XD; And it took a lot of deep consideration (it was really hard imagining them like this? My Assassin babies being really silly and obsessive in the Modern world)

Evie is definitely the history buff when it comes to Japan. She knows years, dates, shoguns and she's the kid constantly raising her hand in class just to point out that history books fail to mention a great deal about Japan (yes, Evie, my dear. We know.) She also spends way too much of her time learning the language and writing techniques.

Shaun is just like Evie and he will argue facts with her all day long. He's constantly sending her ridiculously long text messages to explain the reasoning behind wars and the fact that Japan was endlessly moving its capital.

Jacob is all about the gaming. He has the Japanese versions of Final Fantasy (all of them) as well as Kingdom Hearts. He's played every Mario game and owns the oldest versions of the console he can buy off the internet.

Ezio knows anything and everything that has to do with Japanese cuisine. In fact, everyone goes to his house to get the latest snacks and meals. He loves cooking and he makes sure he only gets the finest through the wonders of the Internet. He's also addicted to romances, watching every anime that features the most heart-wrenching, drama based. He's seen Ouran High School host club twenty times, craving the drama so much that he's even begun watching Korean Dramas.

Arno has watched every anime and read every manga. He watches the latest episodes whether it's through legitimate sites or ones not so legal. And it doesn't even need to be dubbed/subbed because he's pretty much learned the language by now. He is Evie's bane because he's more than happy to correct her grammar or pronunciation. In fact, he's moved on from anime and manga to listening to the music, memorizing the lyrics like a true otaku in preparation for the next concert.

Ratonhnhaké:ton is addicted Wolf's Rain and could probably quotes every episode by heart. To say he cries at the saddest parts is an understatement. There are times when he slips into depression and his friends aren't sure they'll ever see him leave his house again.

Altair lives for Cons. He dresses up as the best and baddest characters, driving hundreds of miles to get to the next place. He's the one that dragged everyone else into cosplaying scene. He's dedicated to acting, refusing to break character until reaching the hotel and removing the costume (even if that means eating out at a diner for a quick bite as Sephiroth).

Edward loves to cosplay. In fact, he's fantastic at sewing and getting his hands dirty to make the best props. Everyone goes to him when they need their outfit mended or an addition made. He loves Altair because the man can draw extensive details, giving him schematics for various weapons that Edward is more than happy to reproduce (with actually metal of course. real weapons are the only way to go).

Shay loves all things Vampire Hunter D, Blood+, and Vampire Knights. If it's gore and suspenseful, he's seen it. Every Halloween he gathers the gang together to watch Kekurenbo and they must (obviously) wear their each unique mask from the movie.

Haytham has seen every Miyazaki movie. He believes it's the best and greatest thing Japan has ever created. He's visited studio Ghibli and has an album full of pictures with him standing beside different statues and life size models. Throughout his home he has the momentos, Totoro bed spread, Catbus as a couch, the Moving Castle placed squarely on the coffee table. He sees Sophie as the ideal woman, holding her as the standard other women must meet.

Desmond is a major Bleach and Dragonball fan. He's also obsessed with Naruto, owning his headband and wearing it around the house all day. His room is littered with action figures and posters, he has life size cardboard cutouts of his favorite characters and he has one bookshelf lined with the manga and the other lines with the anime.

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