Chapter 9

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From a fun POV:
A day after the Halloween comedy act (which spiralled out of control & turned into a party after a drunk Aram Schindler showed up!), I was mopping the stage at the club, when Gio showed up. He had a wide toothy grin & was clutching a clown statue (pic above). "Oh! I see u found ur twin, Gio!" I joked. He stuck his tongue out at me, as I chuckled at my own joke. "This is a smile-o-meter. It'll brighten up that dull corner." he explained, setting up the so-called smile-o-meter next to the Chuckles Couch, near the Jester's armchairs (yes, I christened the furniture!) "So, how does this thing work?" I asked, examining the new addition. "It's like those strength testing thingies at the amusement park. U just hit it with this hammer & it measures ur happiness/unhappiness." he explained,excitedly. "Alrighty, then. Let's check if it works..." I muttered, gripping the hammer with both hands, lifting it up & bringing it down with all my might. I heard a ding & the eyes of the clown face rolled around. A strip of paper slid outta its mouth. It read: Super happy. "Ooh! Good news!" I squealed, waving the strip of paper around. "So, now we know that it works & it's obviously not from a junkyard. Where'd u get it?" I asked, amazed. "I built it especially for u!" Gio replied. I hugged him. "My turn." he grinned, snatching the hammer away from me. His paper read: Why so serious? I suppressed a chuckle.
From a serious POV:
I walked in to see Gio & Sam messing around with a clown statue. I'd just returned from a job interview (yeah, I quit as secretary to the guy who stared at my butt a lot!) I slumped on the Chuckles Couch. Sam sat beside me. "So, how did it go?" he enquired. "Horri-bleh!" I replied,punching a cushion. "Why can't u just be content with ur job as a stand-up comic?" he asked. "'Coz it doesn't pay our bills. It's just a part-time job. I've got qualifications that'll help me get a real job, one that'll pay well!" I snapped. I thought he'd be hurt, 'coz I blew a fuse. Instead he consoled me, "Don't worry. We'll survive! & there's always another job interview around the corner!" I chuckled at that last sentence & rested my head on his shoulder. Suddenly, he shot up & grabbed my arm, pulling me up too. "I've got something to cheer u up!" he exclaimed, pulling me towards the clown statue & explaining it to me. My result: Turn that frown upside down! This clown's rigged! I thought to myself, frowning.

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