Die Alone (A Zayn Malik Fanfiction)

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Chapter One: Meet and Don't Greet

(Madison's P.O.V.)

What the hell was I doing in a car with the one girl I could not stand the most out of everyone. I had no idea, but Noah was with me so that made me not strangle her.

Noah was my best friend, maybe even my only friend. My only real one at least. And Ella was one of his many other friends. For some reason, Noah got along with everybody, and unfortunately Ella was one of them.

But I could hardly get along with anybody. They either judged me, or I found them to be very intolerable. I got along with Noah because he was just one of those people you can't not like. He was a guy, so no drama. And a bonus to that, he wasn't one of those douches who tried shit on you, even when he was drunk.

So again, why was I in a car with Ella? Ella, the girl who I hated with such a burning passion. The girl who made me want to gag just by mention of her name. The girl who thought we could be friends. Why? Because Noah made me.

Ella was obsessed with One Direction. She was one of those fan girls, and she managed to get some tickets to some meet and greet thing. Noah didn't want to have to deal with it alone, so he made me go with him. Why he chose me still confuses me, but eventually he convinced me somehow. Even though he knew how much I hated One Direction.

They were just a ploy to get a lot of people a lot of money. All they ever sang about was some beautiful girl they love, or can't have, just to make millions of girls pretend it was them. And when millions of girls think a song is about them, they will do anything for them. And spend spend spend on merchandise, tickets, songs, anything.

They weren't even good at singing. The only reason they were formed was because they were all attractive and Simon Cowell probably knew how much he could make off them.

Ella was obnoxiously blasting their music while Noah drove us to the mall.

"OH HOW I WISH THAT WAS ME!" She screamed from the backseat.

"I wish I could be home right now," I grumbled. Noah laughed and turned the volume up, just to piss me off.

"I know you don't like them as much as me!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you over the boy band!" He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes and fell back into the seat, lifting my feet up and putting them on the dashboard. Noah gave me a glare and mouthed "feet. Off. Now."

I just smirked at him and wiggled my toes. He rolled his eyes at me and turned back to driving.

"Isn't this exciting?" Ella sighed.


But she didn't hear me because she went right back to singing.

When we finally pulled into the parking lot, it was jam packed. Noah had to park way on the top structure and in one of the farthest spaces from the door. Ella pulled her door open and hopped out right away.

"Come on guys! We have to get a good spot in line!"

"I think it's a little late for that," I snapped.

"No, the boys are gonna be here all day," Ella chirped, clearly not hearing my sarcasm.

See, Ella didn't know how much I hated her. She was such an air-head, and so fake-preppy she would never understand. Noah knew, but he told me that there was a lot more to her behind all her bubbliness. Yeah right.

Of course we were about a thousand people behind meeting them. The line was not moving at all and we were surrounded by shrieking girls between the ages of two and probably late fifties. I was disgusted at how far people were going for these idiots. They were just five British boys. You could go to Britain and pull some guy off the street, and he would probably be like the same thing.

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