Chapter ten: separated?

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* Here's another update! I hope you'll like this, and stay tuned for more! Love you guys, and have a lovely day/good night .xx * 


Jungkook didn't dare to continue to talk anymore. He could tell Taehyung was angry. Too angry. No matter what he'd say, Taehyung would yell back.

"Hyung," Jungkook whispered carefully, but as expected, Taehyung would snap back.

"You're not going back to that place," he growled. 

That made Jungkook grumble as he rolled his eyes, earning a glare from Taehyung. "You're not in position to order me around!" he yelled back, making Taehyung to glare even harder. "You can't decide whether if I go back or not!"

Taehyung frowned. "Excuse me? Are you expecting me to allow you to go back there?" Taehyung sassed, and Jungkook stood up as he glared back.

"I don't need your fucking permission to go anywhere!" he yelled, and Taehyung stood up as well.

"If you haven't forgotten, I'm your boyfriend! I'm supposed to take care of you! I want to take care of you. I don't want you to get hurt!"

Jungkook went silent for a moment before hissing back. "You're hurting me!"

Taehyung's expression dropped. "What?" he asked like he was out of breath.

"You know I love what I'm doing! Do you really want to prevent me into doing what I love?" Jungkook asked like Taehyung had murdered his mother. His voice was breaking, and it made Taehyung feel even worse. He was blinded.

"I'm not stopping you from your work! I know how much you love it, and that's why I'm going to help you to find another place to work at," Taehyung explained more calmly, trying to calm Jungkook as well, but he was still angry.

"I can't! You know other places here don't need anyone else. They need me."

"I'm not letting you go back there, Jungkook! How can you be willing to go back? How are you enjoying going there everyday when they're abusing you?" Taehyung asked as a tear dropped down his cheek and down to his chin. 

Jungkook ignored it and tried to not to look at him. "You're not in position to order me around! You'd have to kill me to stop me," he growled, and it made Taehyung more heartbroken.

"Do you seriously think it's your dream job? The only good thing about it is because you get paid and you get costumers. Are you happy? Do you look forward to go there everyday? The environment between you couldn't get any lower, and that's going to destroy you. You're going to regret staying there for that long," Taehyung insisted, trying to convince Jungkook into quitting, but he didn't change his mind. It was never easy to change his mind, but this was on a whole new level. Jungkook wasn't himself. There had to be a reason why he refused to leave. Was it because he was scared he couldn't get a job elsewhere? Where they threatening him?

"Have you seen yourself?" Taehyung asked as he walked up closer to him, grabbed his shoulders and forced him to turn around to face the long mirror in their bedroom. "Do you look happy? Do you look like you're living in a dream? Don't you see how they treat you?" Jungkook didn't answer, only stared at himself, and Taehyung, sometimes, through the mirror. "I'm begging you Jungkook. Leave that place. You'll find somewhere else where your cocolleauges will be your friends, not your bullies who beats you to death." As Taehyung said that, another tear fell down. Jungkook stared at Taehyung for a little while until he walked a few steps ahead to not look in the mirror anymore, and also having his back faced to Taehyung. "Jungkook...if you don't quit...then I'll leave."

They were quiet. Too quiet. Taehyung feared Jungkook would still refuse. Taehyung couldn't see his face. He tried to read his body language, but he stood still like a statue. His shoulders were shaking a bit, but Taehyung could tell Jungkook tried to control his body.

"Then leave," he suddenly said. Those words hurt like being stabbed in the heart with a sword, "if you can't accept it, then it'd be better for you to l-leave."

"Y-You don't mean that," Taehyung stuttered, not believing his words. Did he really want him to leave?

"I do. I'm happy. I love my job. I don't want to leave." To Taehyung, it sounded like a robot was talking. He knew Jungkook didn't mean it - then why did he keep on insisting and trying to convince him otherwise? Why did he want to go back?

"Y-You'll choose that job with shitty colleagues over me? Seriously? Do I mean that little to you?" Taehyung asked devastated. He couldn't believe what was happening. Were they going to separate just like that?

Jungkook didn't answer. He exited the bedroom, but before he came further than the lounge, Taehyung ran and hugged him from behind with tears. He couldn't help but to cry. He didn't want to let him go. He didn't want to.

"Please tell me to stay," he whispered, "please..."

None of them said anything. Taehyung's heart was beating uncontrollable fast. He was afraid Jungkook wouldn't say it. He was terrified.

Taehyung was spending a few days at Jimin and Hoseok's. They didn't know anything, only that they fought. However, they didn't know the reason. Of course Jimin's nature was to be curious, and he wouldn't stop nagging Taehyung about what they fought over, but Taehyung didn't feel like telling them. Not yet anyway. 

How was he supposed to tell Jimin that his best friend was being abused at the job he loved so much and didn't want to let go of? His former boyfriend that is. But Taehyung didn't want to believe they're separated. How was he supposed to accept that? Just because Jungkook refuse to listen to him? Were they supposed to split because of that? No. Taehyung refused to accept that. And he was going to keep preventing Jungkook from getting hurt anymore.

"Hoseok, can I talk to you in private?" Taehyung asked as they were watching the television. He nodded and they went to the kitchen where Jimin couldn't hear their conversation from their living room. They sat down at their table, and they didn't talk at first. It wasn't like it was awkward. Actually, they were close again. Taehyung managed to forgive Hoseok with his heart, and they became friends again. They both had their own boyfriends, and they were both happy. Or, Taehyung was, until Jungkook got that job of course.

"Take your time," Hoseok smiled and respected Taehyung's struggle to speak up. 

Taehyung breathed slowly in and out before looking up at Hoseok again to start talking. "The reason why Jungkook and I fought was because of his work. I'm only telling you, so don't say anything to Jimin or the others. Do you promise?" Taehyung asked to be sure, and Hoseok hesitated, but then nodded after seeing the sadness that was overtaking the breaking male. 

"I promise."

"Jungkook... He's being abused. By the others there. I saw it, and I've seen his body. He's covered in marks and bruises." Taehyung started crying again, and Hoseok couldn't hide the shock that was flowing over him.

"Seriously?" he gasped, and Taehyung closed his eyes and nodded, trying to keep himself silent, preventing anything to make Jimin approach closer.

"I made him chose between me and his job, and he's too blinded to see how the environment is there and how much they're destroying him, and so he chose his job." 

Hoseok couldn't believe what his friend was telling him. It was too dramatic to be reality, yet it wasn't. 

"I don't want him to keep getting hurt. Could you please try and talk to him? He may listen to you. If not, protect him? I can't stand it anymore, but I can't do anything about it either. He won't listen to me, and the guys there could easily overpower me too. You're experienced from the past, and I just can't let anything else happen to him," Taehyung kept on crying, "I still love matter what."

Hoseok could see the desperate look in Taehyung's eyes and didn't have the heart to refuse his request. "I'll try my best." 

Cold Love - MIL sequel second book #2 ⚣ TKWhere stories live. Discover now