Chapter Five: The Adventures of Superman

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Picture is my edit of Sebastian Stan and unknown as Bucky Barnes and Emma Holmes.

Music is "When I Fall In Love" by Nat King Cole.


CHAPTER FIVE: The Adventures of Superman

"Colonel Bullshit, that's what he is," I mutter angrily to myself, stirring the dinner pot of green beans with a fury I've not felt since the last time an bully picked on Steve in my presence. "'We have our damned right as a nation to call upon the young men to protect us,'" I mock in a high, southern voice. "Blah, blah. Doesn't matter. Who cares?" I sigh, turning down the burner on the gas stove. "You do, you silly girl."

That was my last chance. I'm out of options. And if Bucky knew what I tried to do to get him our of his duty-

"Mmm," Bucky mumbles, snaking his arms around my waist and laying his chin on my shoulder. "Somethin' smells amazing."

I nearly jump out of my skin, startled by his deep voice out of my own thoughts. "Oh, heavens!" Bucky laughs, kissing my cheek. "Barnes, one of these days, I'll have a knife in my hand and you will be impaled!" He turns me around and pulls me into his arms as I place my hands on his chest. "Seriously though, be careful," I chuckle.

Bucky leans down and kisses me. "Where are Rose and Steve?"

I shrug. "I think Rose is at a friends house for studying, and Steve is probably at the park."

"Art assignment?" he guesses, knowing that Steve's artwork is mostly people centered. He loves to go to Central Park and draw passerbys.

I nod. "I believe so. He said something of it this morning, but then again, I was half asleep."

"So, we have the entire house to ourselves," Bucky adds, successively raising his eyebrows up and down.

Blushing, I push him away and laugh. "Oh, Barnes. Quit fooling around."

Bucky kisses my cheek, and says, "I'm not suggesting anythin' of that sort! I say we just relax and listen to the radio until they get home. Just you and me, Doll. Let's just be together." He smiles his crooked smile at me, that lovely toothy grin, and I can't help but smile back.

"Oh, alright. You win, but no funny business," I warn, wagging my finger at him.

He stands straight and salutes me. "Ma'am, yes Ma'am!"

Rolling my eyes, I shoo him off to change. "You smell like a burger went to a shoe store."

He laughs sarcastically and wanders to his room. I take the beans off the stove and place them in a container that will keep them warm, along with the rice and carrots I cooked earlier.

I, too, wander down the hall to the room adjacent to Bucky's, otherwise known as the guest bedroom. It's a tiny thing, only 6 feet by 6 feet. More of a huge closet really, but it's mine. I claim it every time I sleep over, which is almost every night lately. A small dresser for clothes and a full sized bed that takes up most of the room is all that's really in there, and Bucky isn't much for decorating, per the usual male. Rose did add some highlights to it for me when she realized that Bucky and I were serious and I started to become a regular thing in their lives. Thanks to her, there are champagne colored walls and lilac curtains, a bedspread to match.

I'm fairly certain that once Bucky is... in the army, I'll pack up my small apartment and tell my landlord I'm moving in with Rose and Steve. It's not good they be alone for who knows how long. They need me, and I, them.

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