Chapter Fifteen: Alive

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Picture is from Captain America: The First Avenger.

Music is "The End of a Love Affair" by Julie London.



Emma, you died.

You've been dead for almost twelve hours.

Those words echo through my mind for what seems like eons before I can even open my mouth to reply. "What do you mean I died?" is finally what I come up with.

Rose's eyes are beat red, probably from crying, and she grasps my hand tighter in hers. "You were in a car crash. After Steve's proceedure... you were taken and Erskine was shot and then the car crashed and you passed out and started goin' into shock-"

"-Slow down, slow down, sweetie," I repeat to her, seeing her breath quicken. "Calm down. I'm okay now."

She wipes the back of her hand across her nose. "I thought you were dead! Don't ever do that again!" She throws herself at me as I try to sit up, embracing me in a vice grip. Rose may act like she's a grown up and mature, but deep down, she's still a scared little girl who lost her parents. "You and Bucky and Steve are all Bucky and I have in the world, and now he's away. He might never come back."

I pull back. "Rose, don't say tha-"

"-It's just the truth, Ems," she cuts me off, wiping her eyes. "He may not come back. I can hope, but I gotta face the facts. And I thought I lost you... Oh, God. Steve! I gotta go get him! He thinks... Oh, shit!"

"He thinks I'm dead?!" I exclaim, throwing my feet over the edge of the bed.

"Everyone does!... Emma what are you doin'? You were dead. You can't just get up and start waltzing around like a show girl. You gotta rest!"

I push her off, shoving my shoes onto my feet. "Don't try to stop me, Rosie. Where is he?"

Rose throws her hands into the air, exasperated. "No one listens to me. Why do I try? Between you and Steve and James..." She gives me an annoyed expression, sighing. "Steve's in the med bay. He's getting blood drawn."

I stretch my arm out towards her. "Hand me my coat. I'm heading over there whether or not you help me."

She retrieves my coat from the stack of my clothing. "Might as well help you. You're gonna get yourself killed." She helps my arms through the holes, and gives me a shoulder to lean on.

"Where are we anyways?" I ask as we walk slowly towards the hallway.

"You were dead, Ems. We're in the morgue."

The conversation stops after that. She and I continue our way down the hallway, towards the med bay. Luckily, the morgue and the med bay aren't that far from each other. We're back at the Brooklyn secret base, where Steve was given his serum, although I've never been to these parts of it before.

We round the corner, seeing Steve rolling up his sleeve for the nurse to take some blood. "She was my best friend's best gal. I told him I'd look after her, keep her safe. Look how that ended up." He looks absolutely broken down. A frown is etched into his skin, seemingly perminant. Agent Carter stands a few feet away, a sad expression on her face as well. They both look like soldiers who've lost a battle. "They deserved more than this."

Peggy gives him a simpathetic glance. "If it could only work once, he'd be proud it was you. As for your friend... I'm so sorry, Steve. She seemed like a sweet girl."

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