Chapter Twenty-Six: Immortal

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Picture is of Bucky and Emma.

Music is "A Little Jive Is Good For You" by Martha Tilton.



The next morning, Steve and I are up bright and early to meet with Howard Stark, just as Peggy ordered. Beforehand, we reconvene to make Howard a small list of things we'd like to see in our new uniforms. On Steve's list are things like extra belts for ammunition, dulled-down colors, an actual helmet with "A" on the front. My list has things such as actual pants, the Union Jack being a must, and a request that we get rid of the ridiculous tutu that is my old uniform and replace is with something more practical for the war environment.

We've made our way towards his lab at Camp Henry. Steve goes ahead to see if he's ready for us as I see Bucky waving me over into a room further down the hall. "Go ahead without me," I tell my best friend. "I'll be right there."

With a nod, Steve walks ahead towards Howard's lab to wait. I hurry further down the hall towards Bucky. "What in the name of the King do you want?" I ask in a hushed whisper as he tugs me into the room. It seems to be an empty storage locker, filled with random things like blankets and unmarked boxes. "Bucky, I have to meet Howard--"

Bucky cuts me off with a swift kiss, pulling me close by the waist. I relax into his embrace, enjoying the closeness far too much before he pulls away. "What was that for?" I ask, breathless.

He grins a toothy smile. "I missed you last night," he whispers, rubbing circles along my spine. "I hate this stupid girls in one wing of the base and guys in the other."

I sigh, placing my hands on either side of his face. "I know. It's rubbish, isn't it? But I suppose orders are orders."

He pulls me in for another kiss, backing me up so my back is against the door. "I have a proposition for you, Ms. Holmes."

I break the kiss to laugh at his horrible attempt at an English accent. "And what might that be, Mister Barnes?"

He places kisses along my cheeks, chin, nose, anywhere but my lips. "How about you and I take the evening to do something fun? Something like we used to do in the good ole days."

"What did you have in mind?"

He pulls back to look me in the eye, using gentle fingers to brush my hair away from my forehead. "I want to surprise you," he grins. "Let me do that?"

I nod, stepping up on my tip-toes to give him a chaste kiss. "All right, you tosser, but I have to get back to Steve! Or else he might come looking for me and find us."

Bucky gives me one last kiss that takes my breath away before nodding in agreement. "Okay, Doll. Love you."

"Love you, too, James."

We say our goodbyes for the meanwhile, and Bucky leaves first. A few moments later, I leave, walking in the opposite direction. We both turn to look over our shoulders at the other and grin when we catch the other staring. I turn back around to avoid walking into anything or anyone with a stupid smile on my face. "Blimey, and I pick on Steve for being completely smitten."

As I enter the area where Steve was supposed to wait for me, I see Private Lorraine standing in the middle of the room with a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar expression. "Sergeant Holmes, what a pleasant surprise."

Ignoring her look, I walk up to her and ask, "Private, have you seen Captain Rogers anywhere? He was supposed to meet me here just minutes ago."

She looks up towards me, and I see her nearly perfectly lipstick just slightly smeared. "Um...yes. He was here. He just left."

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