Why Are They Back

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          Sunday was a boring day for Luke and Zachary all it was, was a chill day for them. But Monday came along and Luke felt like all the worries were back. He asked Zachary Why Are They Back? Why are my worries back? I don't want them back! I want them gone! Zachary reassured him that everything was going to be ok and that he would be there for Luke just in case something would happen. Sunday was a short day. Monday came along, Zachary and Luke got up Zachary went to take a shower and Luke went to make breakfast. They we getting their day rolling since there was no school today. Zachary noticed something was up with Luke. Hey Luke, are you ok? You seem down and depressed. Luke didn't answer him. Zachary asked again but in a more strict way Luke answer me now! Are you ok? Luke still didn't reply. Zachary was mad. Luke I'm serious, don't play with me. Are you ok? Luke finally replied yes I'm ok, now can you just leave me alone. Zachary knew he wasn't ok. I know your not ok, you can tell me what's wrong. I want to help you and get you through this without having to worry about John and Carlos trying to fight you, bully you, call you names, and other bull crap. Luke knew that he should tell Zachary what's wrong, but for some odd reason Like couldn't and didn't want to until Zachary made him tell him. Ok, I'm not ok. My worries are back that Carlos and John might try to hurt me even more than what they have already done in the past. I'm scared that one day I might not wake up because of them pushing me over the edge or being the ones why I'm dead. My life is so hard already, but they just make it even harder than what I need it or want it to be. Zachary felt bad for Luke. Luke I'm sorry that you have to go through this every single day you see Carlos and John. You know I'm here for you no matter what happens. I love you too much for people to try to hurt you and make you try to kill yourself. Come here Luke give me a hug. Luke went in for a big hug. He felt safe in the arms of his best friend, his brother. He knew nothing bad would happen if Zachary was by his side the whole time.

Chapter 6 of The Challenges is complete. I'm so sorry for being late on my updating I've just been so busy and I'll will try to make sure I catch up on this updated. My plan for this book is to have 20 chapters, but I might make more. Please remember vote and comment! Thank you all!

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