Wonwoo × Park Harin (want_woo)

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You tried to finished your mathematics homework. Its hard. You can't really concentrate to them too. Something playing in your mind. It feels like that thing was dancing gracefully in your mind. Your brain. Your heart.

'Why he acts like nothing? Did he forgot about it already?' You thought.

You want to asks Wonwoo about that. But you're scared enough to do so. Being clingy are really not your style.

So what you're going to do then? Sit down and just shut up? No. No. Its not your style too.

"Its now or never," You said while taking out your phone from your jeans pocket. You dial Wonwoo's number and call him without thinking twice. You become impatient from second to second that you finally decided to call him.

"Yah! Jeon Wonwoo!" You cried as soon as he answered your phone call.

"Harin? What's up, darl?" He said.

"Are you really that busy?"

"Of course. We have fansign today. At Busan." He told you.

"Oh really? Its okay then. Take care. And don't forget to text me when you arrive there. I'm hanging up. Bye," You said, trying not to sound sad and frustrated.

"You too, darl. Bye," He said then end the phone call.

Darl. You like it when he call you by that name. Its a short-form from the word darling. That's one of the reason why you still loves him until today. Even though sometimes he can be so annoying. Sometimes serious. Sometimes emo. But you're scared if he'll going to be a forgetful person.

You hate it when he forgot something. Like your date with him and especially today's special day. Its you and Wonwoo first anniversary today. And yet Wonwoo seems not to remember anything at all.

You decided to stay at home since there's no where you can go. Wonwoo is busy and your superbestfriend, Yoona are also busy with her family gathering. Not to say your parents.

Its a boring Saturday afternoon that you don't have any idea what to do except lying in your bed while waiting for Wonwoo's fan acc to update pictures for today's fansign.

You wait and wait. Refresh and refresh. But nothing come out.

Suddenly, your doorbell rang. You rush to the door and open it.

Your eyes stuck at the person who's stand in front of you. Its Wonwoo. You're so speechless that you suddenly cry.

Wonwoo comes closer to you and gives you a hug. Your head at his chest. "Shhhh, don't cry." He said softly. His voice always made you melting. Yet you adore it so much.

"You're so bad," You said while hit him at his chest softly. "I hate you,"

"But I love you," He chuckles.

"I thought you have forget about it."

"Of course no! How can I forgot about that. I'm not a clumsy like you." He release the hug and pinch you at your nose.

"Let's go out and celebrate it," He holds your hand and pull you to the door and both of you are out for that special day.


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