Freshman year was all you could have expected. Parties, new friends, cute boys, broken hearts, tears, laughs, smiles, mixed up with good and bad decisions. At the same time it’s the year when you start to get to know yourself better, what you like and what you don’t. And when you get a little bit of that cruel world out there.
The first day of school I was scared as fuck. I haven’t talk to my friends for two months, plus I didn’t knew any of my teachers and the older kids say they were really hard. When I got to school and walked that gate that separated elemental and middle school from high school, it felt like shit. I remember I didn’t want to look at anyone I just wanted to find my friends and hug them and talked about our summers and see if we had any class together. So the day was great I met all of my teachers and I thought they were pretty nice. At first the school work was okay but then it got worst. They were more homework’s, project’s, exams and lots of activities. Last year my uncles wife(a.k.a. aunt) was diagnosed with cancer. The news really hit my family. She got through it and then all of a sudden got bad again. That same year she passed away.
When I got the news I couldn’t believe it. At first I didn’t cry but when my mom explains to me what happen I started crying. I still couldn’t believe it but I felt sad. I never thought that in such a young age I would lose someone that I really cared about. When you’re growing up no one ever tells you how it is going to be, they never tell you it’s going to make you feel like crap. They never tell you that sometimes you won’t get the support you always think you’ll get. And that’s what I learned, when my aunt died that’s when I most needed my friends and none of them where there for me. And that’s when I start questioning everything. I’ve been such a good friend, I’ve been there for them, I’ve helped million times with school work. I have even been there, when they weren’t even my friends, when they treated me like a nobody, when they would do mean stuff to me. Yeah I’m pretty sure I have been a really good friend. So as everyone can imagine o started having fights with them. The truth is that we are a group of girls that consider ourselves friends, but were not friends at all. We talk about each others on their back, we gossip about each other with everyone. So basically our group is based of girls that are hypocrites and their with each other in case they need something.
The end of the freshman year was all about surviving and I guess that was all I did. Before my aunt passed away I was planning on moving with them. When summer came I had a little job on my baby sister’s day care for a week. Then the day of living came, it was my first time traveling alone, so I was really anxious, and excited. When I got to Orlando there was a really bad weather so instead of landing in the airport, the plane kept going to Tampa. I was kind of scared but at the same time I felt all of the adrenaline in my veins. When I finally got to my uncles house it felt really weird and I wanted to cry but I said no, because I needed to be strong. The firsts weeks I wake up really early, I guess because of excitement.
On my vacation time there I got to know lots of stuff I didn’t expected from my cousins. Like how they drink, smoke, and escaped their house, and how my little cousin is such a little manipulative bitch. We went to the beach for a couple of days, and in those days I went to my first rave. It was FUCKING awesome! I dance really hard and I met a guy that really shock and made me wish I have had my first kiss with him. Yeah I know what you’re thinking I’m 14 years old almost 15 and haven’t had my first kiss. Yeah I’m not that kind of girl that attracts that much of attention.
The week before I left Orlando, my mom came and we went to the parks and I got to spent time with my grandmas sister. She’s really nice an di like her she’s like my third grandma. So because it was the last week of July the parks where kind of really full. So that meant there were going to be really cute guys and you never know maybe one of them would talk to me, but sadly that never happens. They were people form basically all around the world, they were people from china, Italy, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and I don’t remember anymore. I had a really great time because I got to go out, plus by that time the Harry Potter world had open and I’m a huge fan of Harry potter and I was really excited to go. So when we went to island of adventures, it was all okay until we got to the part I was more lucking forward. When we got to the Harry potter part I wanted to cry of joy because it all looks so real and I really felt like I was in a Harry potter movie. I got in every one of the rides, on the main the line was really long so we spent like an hour but it was worth it. I loved everything about that place and I really want to go back.
The truth is I love going to all those parks because I love roller coasters, I always get a little nervous if it’s one that I haven’t been before but later all that goes away.
When the day came my uncle took me to the airport and walk me to the gate. While walking to it I really didn’t wanted to leave, I really loved it there. I loved everything about making a new start, new school, new friends, living in a calm neighborhood, I loved all of it plus I was really looking forward for that new fresh start were no one knew me and I could try to renew myself. But when my feet’s touch the JFK airport I just wanted to see my friends and tell them everything I did. I had to wait until Friday to tell because one of my friends was having a 15th birthday party. My family and most of my friends were from Spain or we speak Spanish , so I hope by this I’m letting you know that if I say something most Americans don’t do it’s because of it. But I consider myself more American than Spanish(no offense). The truth is that I'm not really like most of my classmates o better said ex classmates.
Looking for an answer.
Teen FictionBased on the life of a teenage girl named Blake, and how she has all these thoughts in her head and tries to figure out why life can be so hard for some people and why is society so mean. Join Blake as she tries to figure out what shes going to do...