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"Can you slow down?" Tai yelled as she power walked to keep up with the kiwi boy.

Calum ignored her and continued jogging to the school paper headquarters. He swung the door open and proceeded down a hallway. He blocked out all the complaints from Tai and everyone who was greeting him.

He was a man on a mission.

Once he made it to the correct door, he scanned the room through the small window and found exactly who he was looking for.

"I know you heard me." The smaller girl scolded, placing a hand to her hip, trying to catch her breath. Once again, he ignored her and opened the door.

The room was filled with media equipment, laptops, type-writers, papers, and energized future journalists. He made a face at the strong smell of coffee as he made his way through the madness.

"How much sleep do you think they get?" His bestfriend joked, causing the boy to let off a small chuckle but it deadened as he neared his destination.

He finally approached the pretty brown journalist's cubicle, closing her laptop and throwing the latest sports newsletter on top of it.

"What the," Delaney turned and met eyes with the angry boy, a smirk finding her lips. "Oh, it's you."

"What is that?"

"It's a newsletter, Calum." Delaney answered in a bored tone, twisting back to her desk and re-opening her laptop.

"That's real cute." He reclosed it and placed a hand to the back of her chair, hovering over the girl. She turned to come face to face with him, a hardened expression on her face. "Now, get rid of the front page story." He seethed, not backing down from their staring competition.

Tai stood beside the two, watching intently, her phone in her hand as she began video taping.

"You better get rid of that story, 'Laney." The girl hyped the situation as she giggled to herself and zoomed the camera on Calum.

"No." She answered Calum, ignoring the instigating girl with the phone in her hands.




"Why? There's nothing wrong with it." Delaney asked a bit louder than she expected, gaining a few head turns from her fellow journalists.

Calum furrowed his brows and dry chuckled as he backed up a bit, grabbing the paper.

"Really? Because this," He paused to point to the headline that read: 'Better luck next time, superstar!'. "Looks like a bunch of mistakes that you need to change!" He finished, slamming the paper beside her laptop.

Delaney raised a brow at the boy then folded her arms over her chest, turning her body in her chair.

"I don't need to do anything." She replied and Calum felt like ripping his hair off his head.

He didn't understand why this girl insisted on making his days, which are already crappy, even crappier?

"What is your problem?"

"I don't have one."

"No, I mean with me!"

"I don't have one with you."

"Really? Then why do you insist on making things harder for me?" He said loudly, but everyone got back into their work and most of the machines drowned his voice out so no one looked their way.

Delaney shook her head and smiled in pure disbelief.

"You're unbelievable." She said and Calum didn't know how to respond to that so he just stared at her. "So, where's that cocky, insensitive, pretty boy at now? Why what happened? Scared of a little truth? News flash, superstar, you're human. Which means you're going to make mistakes and fall short every now and then. I just brought it to everyone's attention."

"Which is my problem!"

"Which isn't my problem. I'm just doing my job." She shrugged, crossing a leg over the other as she looked up at the boy.

And he tried his hardest not to look down at her smooth, toned, and shiny legs. 'Tried' being the key word. He hadn't realize before but today she was wearing a skirt, pencil skirt to be exact, giving him great access to admire her nice legs.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She smirked as her ear grew hot as his beautiful brown eyes scanned her body, moving up to her eyes.

"Maybe I will." He said lowly, catching the way her breathing had risen from him just looking at her, and leaning in closer.

Delaney furrowed her eyes, her body stiffening as he pulled her office chair closer to him.

"What are you doing?" She asked, swallowing shortly after. It bothered her that he was affecting her in this way but she couldn't doubt that he was an attractive guy. Even if his personality sucked.

She watched as he held himself up by placing a hand on her desk and the other on the seat of the chair. He sized the girl slowly, his eyes lingering on certain parts more than others.

"I'm taking pictures," He paused, moving his 'lens' upward and stopping at her lips. "Mentally."

Once again she swallowed, her heartbeat literally beating out of her chest as he moved to bring his lips to her ear.

Tai whispered a 'oh snap, bestfriend' as she continued both filming and watching.

His warm breaths caused the hairs on the back of the girl's neck stand up.

"The camera loves you, Delly." Calum said in a low tone, a bit of rasp in his voice and Delaney bit her bottom lip.

She knew that this was absolutely ridiculous for her to be doing what she's doing and not stopping him but her hormones got the best of her.

Calum grazed his lips against her lobes and moved them along her jawline, making the chocolate skinned girl gasp. He finally stopped by the corner of her mouth. The boy brought a hand up to cup her neck, his thumb pulling her bottom lip then allowing it to spring back.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly as he rested his forehead on hers, his lips centimeters from her own.

He leaned in a smidge, literally the distance between their lips paper thin away from the other.

"Showing the sports journalist what happens when she messes with the superstar." He smirked as he pulled back and stood straight. He watched as she opened her eyes since they were closed previously, and furrowed her brows in confusion.

Tai almost dropped her phone in realization of what her bestfriend just did.

"That's cold, Thomas." She said but Calum only smirked wider.

He began walking backwards, winking at the, still, bewildered girl sitting in the office chair. Tai looked between them both, chuckled to herself then followed Calum.

And they just left Delaney completely confused, shocked, and angry.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SHE FELL FOR THE TRAP! #OhNoDelaney Ah man Calum is FR a badman for that! But yeah, let me know what yall think! The next chapter is the game against Ashton so I know I'm ready to write that! Just hope yall are too haha. Anyway, pls COMMENT and vote lol love you all and ttyl x

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