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Calum sighed as he dropped his bag in the hotel room. He couldn't believe how this trip was going and it barely started.

What should of been a smooth sailing trip to one of the biggest things to ever happen in his life, turned left real, real quick.

Not only were they going to be arriving later than scheduled to Utah but all of his bestfriends were beefing and two of them just finished beating the crap out of each other.

Calum shook his head at the scene that unfolded not even an hour ago. Luke and Mike going at it, throwing punches and tackling each other to the ground.

He wouldn't say anything aloud about it but Michael got the best of Luke, something he expected.

The colorful one was fast with his hands, landing each one whether it was Luke's cheek or jaw.

The blond one, on the other hand, got Mike when it came to wrestling. He wouldn't let the colorful one punch for too long before he was in the sky and slammed to the ground.

It was obvious Luke didn't want to hurt the boy. But Mike didn't care, he intended for each and every punch to hurt, one after the other.

And then there's his poor best friend who had no other choice but to watch them go at it.

She didn't egg on the fight, something that was unusual since she 'thrived off drama', her words not his.

She just stared and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

But Calum could see the hurt behind the attitude.

Delaney noticed how quiet he was being and how his jaw clenched every few seconds. She placed a concerned hand on his shoulder.

"Cal?" She asked, watching as he shrugged her hand off of him and stepped over to the queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

He glaned up at the worried girl and patted his lap.

Delaney walked over and gently sat in his lap, throwing an arm around his shoulder and he wrapped one around her waist.

He sighed, "I'm alright. It's just...this sucks, Delly." The boy blew out air and looked up at the girl. "It really sucks."

Delaney frowned. "Yeah, I know. It was bound to happen, though." She shrugged and Calum snorted.

"But, right before a big day for me?" He raised his brows up at the girl. Delaney started to feel bad for choosing to have them fight at the time she did.

The girl removed her arm from him slowly and looked away from the boy.

"Wow, I can't believe how much of an idiot I was for making that decision." Delaney said quietly, deeply regretting what she did.

Calum furrowed his brows, forming a wrinkled unibrow. He picked her head up with a finger under her chin, staring into those glistening browns.

"It's not your fault, baby." He caressed her cheek with his thumb, causing her to meet his eyes as he continued. "Like you said, it was bound to happen. They were going to go at it in the backseat had we not pulled over." Calum explained, reassuring the girl that it wasn't her fault.

Delaney sighed and smiled weakly at the boy. "So, what now?"

Calum bit his lip as he thought on what he could possibly do.

And then it hit him.

Calum blinked up at the girl. "I need to talk to them. All of them," He exhaled as one person in particular crosses his mind. "Especially, Tai."

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