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"Best friend, we really don't have to do this today." Tai said, a hopeful look on her face as she followed Calum to his kitchen. He chuckled lightly and shook his head, pulling out the breadsticks from the oven. He wanted to make sure everyone was as comfortable as they could be and what says 'comfortable' more than a home-cooked meal?

Well, it was pasta with sausage and sauce but a meal is a meal.

Also, it was the only thing he could whip up fast enough.

"Tai-Ann, we're--you're doing this today. Stop trying to get out of it." The boy responded, taste testing his sauce and smiling to himself when it didn't taste half bad.

Tai huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. Cal noticed her from the corner of his eye and dipped a clean spoon in the sauce and brought it to her lips.

"Eat this." He said in a baby-like voice, causing the girl to smile, though she wasn't too happy with the boy. She licked the bowl of the spoon and hummed before giving him an answer.

"I can do better." She shrugged before pushing herself from the counter she was leaning against and heading to the island. Calum rolled his eyes and mumbled 'yeah sure' before turning back to the pot.

The doorbell sounded and filled the kitchen and dining area, bringing a groan from Tai's mouth. She knew exactly who it was and she was dreading every second that went by before Calum yelled 'come in' then the door opened.

"Callie, I'm home!" A far too familiar voice bounced off the walls in the small hallway that divided the front area from the kitchen.

Calum chuckled at the colorful boy's words then looked over at his bestfriend. He noticed the slight worry on her face and quickly made his way over to the girl.

"You have to do this, T. It'll be alright." He bent down and pecked her temple. Mike walked in and raised a brow at the two. Not that he was thinking they were acting suspect or anything but the mood of the room seemed...different.

It wasn't the usual chill and fun atmosphere. It was more of an 'elephant in the room' kind of atmosphere and he wasn't okay with that.

"Everything alright, guys?" The first thing to come out his mouth was that question because the longer he stood there, which was a few seconds but it felt longer to him, the more concerned he became.

Calum looked up from the girl and shook his head, a smile forming on his lips soon after.

"Yeah, everything's good, mate. Hope you're hungry." Calum could tell Mike noticed the change of mood, since he was always able to detect stuff like that, moods, vibes, and whatnot, so he quickly shifted to the subject he loved most.


"You already know I'm hungry, m'friend." Michael said, rubbing his tummy. He removed his backpack from his shoulder and walked over to his little sister.

"What's up, T? Sorry about not going to the game last night. I had better stuff to do like watch paint dry." Mike joked, getting a chuckle from Calum, who tossed his hand towel at him. Tai shrugged and tried her hardest to not make eye contact with her brother.

"Well you missed out because I had one of the best comeback games ever." Calum replied, back facing them since he was stirring the pasta. However, Mike didn't care too much about his answer or the fact that he wasn't facing them.

His concern was the girl next to him, Tai. The, now, red headed boy furrowed his brows and threw an arm over her shoulder.

"Tai, what's wrong?" He wasn't dumb. He knew something was up with his sister. He figured that much when he walked in the house and she wasn't being her usual loud self. And now seeing that she couldn't even make eye contact just confirmed his feeling.

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