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Calum reached a hand over to the passenger's side, landing on Delaney's thigh, a smile forming on his lips as he drove.

This was perfect.

Behind him sat his three other favorite people, Luke, Michael, and Tai.

Although they were fighting over the leg space, since they were all tall and Calum drove a Jeep Patriot, he couldn't have been happier.

They all decided to trade every so miles on the way there since it was a pretty lengthy drive.

First, Calum, whose been driving for two hours, now, then Delaney, then Mike, and then Luke.

Tai only had her permit and though she had her brother who could ride shotgun, which would make it legal for her to drive, everyone felt iffy about letting that wild thang behind the wheel.

He chuckled from the thought, glancing at the clock on his dashboard. Only roughly eight and a half hours until they were in Utah.

"What's so funny?" A velvety voice sounded from his right. That smile, the one only Delaney could bring to his lips, formed on his face as he quickly turned to his head in that direction.

"Nothing." He answered playfully, sneaking another look at the girl before refocusing on the open road.

Delaney squinted and hummed, unconvinced. But she was quick to change the subject when she saw him yawn.

She placed her hand atop of his in concern and spoke. "Cal, you want to pull over and switch?" The girl asked, jumping slightly when his thumb began rubbing her hand.

He turned his head at the girl, a lop sided smile on his face. "M'alright, Delly." And like on cue, another yawn escaped his mouth.

Delaney rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Pull over. I'll drive and you get some rest." The girl said a bit more assertive, resembling a caring mother.

Calum sighed in defeat but there were butterflies fluttering in his tummy from the concern she was showing for him.

Though they already established a driving schedule, it was nice to know that she genuinely wanted to drive because she noticed how tired he was, not just from the arrangement they made.

He turned his blinker on to pull over to the right shoulder. When he stopped, Tai poked her head through the middle space above the center console.

"Can I drive, now?" She smiled, a stressed smile, glancing at both her bestfriend and Delaney. Tai wanted so badly to get behind the wheel, especially since they all criticized her driving.

So, she may or may not have almost crashed Calum's car a few months back because someone honked at her and she tried to chase them down.

Ever since then, Mike never wanted to ride along with her, and Calum never gave her his car again.

And since then, they didn't allow her to drive.

The two in the front gave each other a look as they climbed out, switching seats.

Luke attempted to grab at the girl and get her to sit back but she swatted his large hands.

"My sister is capable of sitting back herself." Michael said, rolling his eyes, bringing his attention back to his phone.

The blond boy ignored him. "T, just chill."

"Luke, mind your business. I'm trying to drive."

"Yeah, you could mind your business, mate." Michael smirked, watching as the blue eyed boy sighed in frustration.

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