Chapter 9

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Alex's P.O.V.

The date is April 9, 1987

 It started in Mid-Feb 1987

Its has been about 6 weeks sense the fight that me and Megan had. Everything was all most done all we had was costume fittings. And I was set in a long red dress with a slit down the side and black 2 inch heels with long laced black gloves, and my hair was being held up by a hundred bobby pins and they put feathers in my hair. Now it was time to start shooting the video but I couldn't zip up my stupid dress.

So I am standing their trying to zip up my dress then I see Lucy. " Lucy!" I yelled at her, and she came over , "What?" Lucy said wondering what was wrong. " I can't zip up my dress, help me." Alex said in a worried tone. " OK." Lucy said, but she couldn't zip it up at all it. " Alex it won't zip up." Lucy said still trying to zip it up. " You need someone stronger to zip this up." Lucy said Alex knew that she meant Michael. " Sorry Alex but I have to change." Lucy said while walking away. "Wait Lucy!" Alex yelled but Lucy was all ready changing.

Michael looked over seeing that Alex was trying to zip up her dress, so he walked over to Alex. " Hey, do you need some help with that?" Michael said while seeing Alex was still trying to zip it up. Alex's eyes got huge when she heard it was Michael but she was turned around not looking at him. "No, I got it." Alex lied and Michael could tell that she lied, Alex was still trying to zip up her dress. " Are you sure?" Michael said with his arms crossed still looking at Alex who was still trying to zip up her dress. "Yes Michael, I think I can zip up my own dress with out any help." Alex lied again Michael could tell. " Oh Alex just let me help I grew up with three sisters this is not my first time." Michael said knowing that she would give in. "Fine." She mumbled.

Michael put his hand around Alex's waist and grabbed the zipper and zipped it up slowly. When Michael was done Alex turned around seeing that he still had his hand on her waist. And then she looked up seeing that he was wear a white suit with a blue shirt with a white tie and a hat. Michael looked up and down at Alex with her red dress. Michael looked that Alex and said " Now that wasn't so hard was it." He said with a "I told you so look." Alex glared at Michael who had a cheesy smile. But then Alex saw a real smile and Michael pulled her in tight and he whisper in her ear saying "You look so beautiful in that red dress." Alex started blushing and Michael let go of Alex and walked away, Lucy saw this and she ran over to Alex.

They started holding hands and jumping up and down squealing. "What did he say?" Lucy asked. "He told me I look beautiful." Alex said then looked at Michael who was looking at her, then he winked at me and I bit my lip then winked back then he turn around. " Ooh Alex has a boyfriend, Alex has a boyfriend!!!" Lucy started singing, then Alex turned bright red. " Shh!! He might hear you!!" She said covering Lucy mouth then she stopped singing and she let go." Oh he likes you too! Just face it!" Lucy said. "Well I need to go put make up on so later Lucy!" Alex said trying to drop the subject. "Yea go put on some lip stick! Your going to need it!" Lucy said laughing so did Alex as she got her make up on.

Michael's P.O.V.

Michael turned around to see Alex in her red dress but instead he saw her holding hands with Lucy and jumping up and down squealing. He laugh then saw them stop and started talking. Alex said something then looked at me I winked at her then she bit her lip and winked back I turned around. But then heard "Alex has a boyfriend!" I chuckled at the thought.

But then someone said " We are shooting in 20!" So I started practicing my dance with the other guys while the girls were still getting make up. Then I hear another voice. "We are shooting in 5! Come on lady's get in your places!!!" All the girls now dressed and had make up. Alex was the one who stood out the most with her red dress. Then the voice came back saying "We are starting in 5...4...3....2....1!" and the music started everything was going well but then we had to stop right before me and Alex danced because it was all ready 6:00pm and practice was going to end 4:00pm. So everybody went home but me and Alex were the only ones there.

"Hey." Michael said and walked up to Alex who had just got out of the shower with no make up and no clothes just a towel. "Hey, Michael what are you doing in here you know that you are in the girls locker room?" Alex said holding her towel like it was going to fall down. Then Michael put a hand on her shoulder and she turned around. " Yea sorry, its just that well would you like to come to my place this Saturday?" Michael said with a smile. Alex just stood there thinking " Did he just ask me out on a date?" Not knowing that she was thinking out loud Michael said "Yes, he did." Michael said still smiling. "Alex's heart was racing then she said...... " Yes." Alex said with a smile. Michael picked her up and started hugging her then span around in a circle still holding her. " Michael put my down!!! My towel about to come off!" Alex said while laughing. Michael stopped spinning then he said. " Really your towel going to come off if I don't stop?" Michael said and started grinning. " Yes." Alex said. "Well if that's the case." Michael said now spinning even faster. " Michael stop! Stop! Stop it!" Alex said still laughing, Michael stopped and put her down seeing that her towel was going to come off if he didn't stop. " See you Saturday after practice!" He yelled and ran out of the girls locker room. 

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