Chapter 17

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Alex's P.O.V

I stood there scared not knowing what to do. " Aw Babe you didn't have to dress up for me." Tommy said while eye-raping me. You know a while back when Michael asked me out on our first date and Ryder asked if Michael was going to be another Tommy, and I said no. Because Tommy my ex-boyfriend was a rapists, and all the times we went to court he charmed the judge that he wasn't guilty, and Michael was just the opposite. Ya....

" What are you doing here, Tommy." I said backing away from him. " Oh, baby I am just here to see my girlfriend." He said reaching up to touch my face, I slapped his hand away. " Ex-girlfriend." I said angry. " Oh baby didn't you know that your getting back together with me? And leaving that freak." He said coming closer, I kept backing away until I hit the wall, he smirked. " He's not a freak!" I shot at him. Then he grabbed my chin with force to make me look at him. " To bad babe, you are never going to see him again." He said. Then he kissed me with so much force it hurt he kept biting my lip to make me open my mouth, but I never did.

" What the hell?!?" I heard a voice say, I turned around to see Michael standing there heartbroken. " Michael its not what it looks like!" I said, Michael shook his head. " I don't want to see you ever again!" He yelled at me and through a box down at the ground. Then left. That night Tommy did thing I wish I could forget. And plus I lost my true love.....

The next morning Tommy left before Tyler and Ryder could show up, once they got home I told them everything that happened that night Tyler and Ryder looked like they were going to explode. They grabbed there coats and went to Tommy house to kill him, but I don't think he would be there. I curled up into a small ball on the floor crying, until something caught my eye. It was the box that Michael through on the ground last night, I picked it up and opened it. It was a necklace in the shape of a sneaker. Like the ones I wear. I toke it out of the box and flipped the necklace, it had words on the back that were engraved. It said:

This necklace reminds me of the shoes you wear, I love the bottoms of them.


I was first confuse, but then I remember that on the bottoms of my shoes it said 'Michael' on the left shoe and 'Jackson' on the right. So when I did a toe stand, in bold letters it said ' Michael Jackson '. I blushed and put the necklace on over my head it was long so nobody could see it. I want my Michael back... And I cried to myself.

Michael's P.O.V.

I was going to Alex's house when I saw the door open I looked in and saw her lip locking I another guy. I was heartbroken, Alex didn't seem like that kind of girl, I was so angry. " What the hell?!" I yelled Alex stopped kissing the macho guy and turned around to look at me. " Michael it's not what it looks like." She said, I shook my head. " I don't ever want to see you ever again!" I yelled and through the necklace on the ground and left.

I got back to the hotel room and slammed the door shut and listened to " She's Out Of My Life." I want her back, but I can't have her.

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