Chapter 15

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Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up at 1:23 pm with a hangover. I got up and went to the kitchen and I still had on Michael's clothes, they were so soft and they smelled just like him. Seeing that everyone was up, Tyler and Ryder saw me but Lucy and Sam didn't and I was glad they didn't because if they did they would start asking about the date and start screaming. And screaming + hangover = pissed off Alex.

I went over and got me a glass of water Tyler said, " Good afternoon Alex." and he smirked knowing that the girls would start screaming. And just then the girls turned around and ran over to me and started screaming, this made the hangover even worst I dropped my glass on the ground and ran over by Ryder and hid behind him covering my ears. My head felt like it was about to explode. After the girls saw this they stop screaming. Ryder picked me up bridal style carried me over by Tyler and I smacked him on the back of the head, I said " Thank you." to Ryder and he put me down. " Oh, do you have a hangover?" Lucy asked while looking at the broken glass on the floor. " Ye-" I started but then Tyler cut me off. " Yep and that screaming really helped, you should do it again." I slapped him harder this time. " Oh sorry Alex, but how did the date go?" Sam asked.

And I told them everything, when I was done talking there was a knock on the door I rushed over and the girls started quietly screaming I opened the door to see Michael standing there with my clothes I quickly came out and shut the door, then whisper to myself " My hero..." Michael must of heard me because he said " Really?" and crossed his arms and started smirking. " What do you want?" I said while rubbing my head. " Does somebody have a hangover?" Michael asked now grinning. I stopped rubbing my head and said, " No." I lied and Michael could tell. " So you were drunk?" Michael said smiling. " Maybe, what do you want." I said annoyed. Michael started laughing, " I brought back your clothes." he said while handing them to me. " Oh thanks....." I said and I toke the clothes. We stood there in silents until Michael broke it. " Can I have my clothes back?" Michael asked while seeing that she still had them on.

" Oh ya, lets go inside." I said while opening the door and the girls were now screaming as loud as they could. And I couldn't take it any more my head was pounding and I felt like I was going to puke, I took my clothes and threw them on the ground went over by the kitchen and grabbed a glass and chucked it on the ground as hard as I could. It shattered the girls stopped screaming and the guys came running wondering what had happened. Everybody looked at me. " The next person who screams, will get their lips super glued together. Do I make myself clear?" Alex said quietly. Everybody nodded. I stepped over the broken glass and grabbed my clothes and Michael's arm and went to my room.

Michael's P.O.V.

She grabbed my arm and then toke me up to her room she landed on her bed, putting her face in her pillow then said, " Sorry." I went over by her and sat right next to her and said, " For what?" She sat up and looked at me. " For throwing the glass on the ground." She said and started crying. Michael hugged her tight, pressing her body hard against mine while she cried into the crook of my neck, petting her head feeling how soft her hair was. I whispered in her ear. " You don't have to be sorry, I know that screaming and hangovers don't go well together." She chuckled then looked up at me she had the prettiest green eyes that I have ever seen. Now with her arms around mine neck pulling my hair softly oh how that made me go crazy, I pressed my forehead against hers then said. " So when are you going to take off the clothes for me." I said it while smirking. She looked up at me and gently pushed me off and she rolled her eyes and she said " Really Michael!" And she walked in to her bathroom and started changing.

I looked around the room seeing not only did she have posters of me but she also had posters of Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, James Brown, Diana Ross, Prince, Whitney Houston, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Beatles, Guns n Roses, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Metallica, Kiss, The Rolling Stones, Queen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Van Halen, and even my sister Janet Jackson. But then I came across a picture that had Alex kissing a life size poster of me with hearts around it, and a card that said.

" I hope you had a great 21st b-day with Michael Jackson! Maybe one day you can tell him how much you love him with your dancing and singing!

                                                                               Love Your 2 Drunk Friends,

                                                                                                                         Tyler & Ryder

I chuckled as I looked at the picture, but then I hear Alex shut the bathroom door and she comes out wearing a silk robe a gives me my clothes. I go and pick her up bridal style and I was about to start spinning but then Alex said. " If you start spinning I will puke on you." Michael laughs and throws her on her bed. " Michael did you just throw me?" Alex says. "Yep." Michael says and starts grinning. She rolls her eyes got up and slapped him on the back of his head. She started to walk away but then Michael grabbed her arm, Alex felt his smooth hand grip her arm she turned around and looked into his eyes, his soft brown eyes. " So how was your 21st birthday with me?" Michael said grinning. Alex looked at him and then remember her 21st birthday and how she got drunk and kissed the life size poster of Michael. " How did you know about that?" Alex asked her voice a little angry. " Mm the picture?" Michael said and looked at her desk which had the picture on it. Alex glared at him but Michael just smiled. '' I was drunk..." Alex said trying to walk away, but Michael didn't let go of her arm. " Why don't you show me how you love me." Michael said pulling Alex into his chest feeling her warm body press against his. He looked right into her eyes. Then Alex put her arms around his neck and put her fingers though his black curly hair and pulled gently, this made Michael go crazy when she did this, then she got real close to him like she was going to kiss him but instead she whisper in his ear and said '' Maybe later...." Alex said smiling and she span out of his arms. Michael just saw that she teased him, Michael thought "I'll get her back...."

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