Chapter 14

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Michael's P.O.V.

"So where are we going?" Alex asks me. " I thought we could eat at my place then go to a club or something..." Michael says hoping that was the right answer. " OK." Alex said while smiling at Michael and he smiled back. We showed up at his hotel and the press was there. " So um do you want to go though the back?" Michael asked. " Oh God yes..." Alex said looking at the press. " OK." he said we went to the back of the building and creep-ed our way to his room. " Wow that was fun." Alex said and laughed, Michael smiled.

After they ate Alex said. " You have Twister???" Alex said in a happy voice. Michael smiled, " Yea do you want to play it?" Alex's smiled disappeared and Michael walked over by her. " Um well I never played.." Alex said quietly. Michael could believe that she had never played twister. " I will teach you OK?" Michael said with a smile. So they set it up and toke off their shoes and Michael span the arrow thingy " OK so put your right foot on the red dot, after a while Alex got the hang of it until....

"Just go under Michael!" Alex said while laughing. Alex was in an arch form with her head facing the floor. And Michael had to go under her but he won't do it. " No I don't want to go under." Michael said tricking her. " Michael just do it!" Alex said. Michael smiled and went under her now they were face to face. " Now was that so hard?" Alex said with a grin, there faces were inches away. Then Michael chuckled. " What?" Alex said confused. " Nothing its just that I like being on top." Michael said smirking. But as soon Alex heard it her arms got weak and she gave out, but Michael caught her before she fell on him. Michael got up still holding Alex. " I won." he said grinning, Alex knew now that he said that to make her give out. " Michael!" Alex said in a angry voice and punch him in the chest then started putting her shoes on. " Where are you going?" Michael worried that his little joke was going to make her leave. '' I need a drink are you coming?" Alex said smiling because she knew that she would get back at him. Michael smiled and we went around back and drove off to the club.

Alex's P.O.V.

When we got in I got some beer and chugged it. Michael looked at me at made me stop. " Are you trying to get drunk?" Michael asked in a worried voice. " No I am drunk!" Alex said and started laughing Michael chuckled then asked Alex if she would like to dance. " I would love too!" Alex said with a smile. They started dancing after awhile we sat down by the bar. " I 'll be right back babe." Michael said. "OK." Alex said and started drinking her 4th beer. All the sudden Alex felt a hand on her waist and she knew it wasn't Michael. " Hey doll do you want to go back to my place.." The man said as he grabbed Alex's ass. She slapped his hand off " Get away from me!" And she tried to walk away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. " Are you sure about that?" Then Man said again. She was about to say something but then Michael grabbed me and pulled me into him. " Back off of my girl.." Michael said Alex saw that he was angry. " Or what?" The man shot back Michael saw that there was two guys behind him but he punch the guy right in the chest and he fell back then Michael punched the two other guys out but then Alex saw that the main man got up and punch Michael in the face and he fell to the ground. Alex was pissed off now and toke her beer bottle and hit the man in the back of his head now completely KO. Then went over by Michael and saw that his lip was bleeding. " Michael are you OK?" Alex asked. " Yea babe I am fine" he said. They went back to the bar by the time they left Michael had 3 beers and Alex had 7.

Michael P.O.V.

They got to the car seeing that Alex was drunk he knew he couldn't take her back to her house like that so, she was going to stay with me. On the way there in the car Alex started kissing my neck and she won't stop I pushed her off gently but she would just come back. We finally got to the hotel and I carried her to my room and still couldn't believe that she hasn't passed out yet. I set her on my bed and went into the sink for some water but then Alex comes right behind me and starts kissing my neck again I set my water down and carry her to the room again seeing that she put a tie around my door nob I chuckled and sat her down on my bed. I went to go take the tie off the door, but then she rushes past me and shuts the door, now she is standing there blocking the door then I ask her a question " Alex are you drunk?" She bites her lip and said " Just a little bit." then she laughs I pick her up once more open the door take off the tie close the door set her on my bed and sit next to her. She gets up and starts looking though my closet then she finds a black shirt she throws it on the ground and starts taking off her white shirt then puts on my black shirt seeing that it was a little big she takes off her yellow jeans and finds some sweat pants and puts them on.

Then she walks back over to me and sits on my lap and starts kissing my neck again. I pulled her away from my neck but then she pins me too the bed. " Your not the only one who likes being on top." Alex smiled and started laughing. Michael looks at her. " Are you even drunk?"  " Nope." Alex's says smirking. " Did you do this to get back at me for what I did in Twister?" Michael asked. And Alex nodded her head. " Fine, you win." Michael said. " You bet I do." Alex says as she gets off of him but he pulls her back both now sitting on the bed. Their lips were inches away. They both move in for a kiss but then, BOOM!

Alex's P.O.V.

They both turn seeing that it was Frank. Michael looked at Frank "What the hell?" Frank says. " Frank nothing happened, I swear." Michael said looking at Frank. " Whatever. " And he walked out of the room. " Um I should go..." Alex says and starts walking to the door. " Wait. Please let me drive you." Michael says wishing Frank never came. " Fine." Alex said while smiling. They went out to the car and drove off still wear Michael's clothes and forgot about her other clothes he walked me up to my house. " I hope you had a great time.." Michael says softly. " I had an amazing time." Alex said then gave him a hug then kissed him on the cheek and went inside.

"Hey thought you never come back what toke you so long?" Ryder says

" Hi, yea sorry I did the drunk seance with him." Alex said

"I have teach-ed you well." Ryder said whiling laughing.

" Yea. Where's everybody else?" Alex said

" Sam fell asleep in my bed, Lucy and Tyler fell asleep in his room." Ryder said

" Oh gross! I can't believe Tyler is charming her its, its, its GROSS!!!" Alex said

" Your telling me, I had to listen to them talk baby all night!" Ryder said

" Fine you win." Alex said.

" So is he's not going to be a Tommy?" Ryder asked

" No, I don't think so.." Alex said knowing that he will not be a Tommy.

"OK." Ryder says.

" Well I am going to bed see you in the afternoon!" Alex said while walking down the hall knowing that she was a little drunk. But still hoping that he wasn't a Tommy....

Michael's P.O.V.

( Back at the Hotel )

" What the hell Frank!?" Michael looks straight at Frank. " Man, you can't be falling for her, Michael you move all the time and I don't want to see your heart get broken." Frank said, Michael knew he was right but he was falling hard for her. He walked into his room still thinking about what Frank said.

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