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I got ready as fast as I could, if Harry actually was in danger, I didn't want to waste any time. I pull my hair up in a tight bun and just stare at my reflection in the bathroom for a bit. What did I get myself into?

I drive down the familiar, long roads all the way to the asylum. I park close to the entrance and make my way to the front doors. I'm starting to have second thoughts. Should I really be doing this? I might be digging my own grave.

I open the doors anyway and start to walk towards the left like Harry told me. As I'm walking down the never ending hallway I spot Liz motioning me over.

"Oh. Alex, honey, I didn't think you would be back for a while, or maybe ever. Our patients didn't scare you off?"

I shook my head.

"No, Liz. I'm fine, really. I would like to get back to work, now."

"But, dear, your hall is this way."

She gestures towards the right hallway.

Oh shit. I was never good with lying. What am I supposed to tell her? Oh, I saw Harry in a dream and he told me to go left.

"Um, yeah, I know. I just need to use the restroom before I start."

Hopefully there's a bathroom in this hall.

"Oh, of course. It's all the way down, second door to your right."

"Okay. Thank you."

I begin walking and breathe a sigh of relief. Harry's directions start to echo in my mind.

"You'll find me in section 10b. It's to the left of the lobby all the way down the hall."

I walk for a while, until I hit the end and see a big door labeled "SECTION 10B".

I search for the keys I got the first day and try every one to see if the door unlocks. Surprisingly, one of them did, and I'm thankful. I open the door and quietly shut it behind me. The sight before me is even worse than what I've seen before. It's quiet. Unlike the other part of the institution I witnessed. And dark. And bone chilling cold.

I look around at all the cells and there's patients tied up in chairs, or on tables, strapped down. Most of them are asleep, or most likely, knocked out. I look around each cell carefully and try not to make too much noise. Until I spot a certain curly haired boy tied down to a working table of some sort. I rush over to him and run my fingertips over the bars.

"Harry?" I say in a faint whisper. He's knocked out, just like all the rest of the patients.

"Harry." I say a little louder this time and his eyes shot open. He blinks a few times and tries to get up but his whole body is strapped down tightly. His arms are covered in cuts and scratches.

"Alex." He says barely audible. He sounds so weak, and fragile. Like his voice is broken.

I just stare at him and try to fight back my tears.

"You c-came."

Instead of replying, I instinctively started to unlock the cell. I walked in, closing the door behind me.

"How did you manage to reach out to me? How did I know you were here?"

He stared at me with his beautiful big green eyes.

"I don't know. Did one of the guards mention it or something?"

Now that I think about it, one the guards did mention a section 10 and where they were taking Harry. I'm still confused as to why I dreamt of it and how I knew exactly where to go.

I glanced to Harry. I need to get these straps off of him. I looked around for any medical equipment to get these off. As I whipped around looking at the various tables, my keys fell out of my pocket. I couldn't be bothered to care and continued searching.

My eyes landed on a pair of scissors on the table. The material he was strapped down with did not look that durable, I believed I could easily cut it off.

I began cutting, gently, at the straps on his wrists and moved on to his legs afterwards.

The second Harry got free, he snatched the scissors out of my hands and clutched them protectively.

My eyes widened in shock and I took an immediate step back ready to leave the room as quick as possible.

"Please don't leave me. I promise I won't hurt you I just need these for protection." Harry said, noticing my anxiousness.

"Harry, you need to put those down, you could hurt someone." I replied.

He ignored me and grabbed my wrist roughly.

I started to scream for help when he opened the door with the keys I left discarded on the ground, but he clamped his hand over my mouth.

A guard down the hall spotted us and screamed,

"Hey! You're not supposed to be out of your cell!"

The man ran up to us, hand ghosting over his holster, ready to attack Harry, but Harry was quicker and stabbed his leg with the scissors.

The security guard screamed out in pain and fell to the floor.

I could do nothing but stand in shock for what my patient had just done.

Harry yanked my arm again and dragged me to the back of the hallway to a large exit sign.

I was confused until I realized we were outside in the parking lot.

"So, where's your car?" Harry asked.

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