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I wanted to show more about Harry's life at the institution, and a little more background information on him.

Harry Styles was not an easy patient.

Every employee dreaded when they would go on rotation and have to administer Harry his meds.

Today was Caroline Jones' turn.

Caroline was a petite blonde woman who got along with everybody. She was kind-hearted and avoided confrontation at all costs.

She was also an employee you could scare easily and her co-workers constantly teased her due to her fear of the patient Harry.

A group of Stony Gates employees were sat in the back room on their lunch break, poking fun at the fact that Caroline had the misfortune of getting Harry today.

"Do you think you'll be able to do it, Care or should we send you in with a watch dog?" A dark-skinned employee named Isaiah asked with with a chuckle.

The others laughed and Caroline rolled her eyes.

"I'll be fine, don't you guys worry." She spoke with confidence, but under the table her hands shook in fear.


Caroline walked down the halls of patients' cells clutching Harry's pill bottle and a ring of keys for the doors.

Stopping at Harry's room, she took a deep breath before twisting the key in.

It was no surprise that the boy was sat on the dirty ground playing with his dollhouse.

He had a doll tight in his grip as he glanced up when the small blonde walked into the room.

"Hi, Harry!" Caroline spoke with enthusiasm.

Harry ignored her and went back to playing with his doll.

She inched her way closer to him, careful not to get close enough to touch his dollhouse.

"Time to take your medication!" She said with a smile, literally shaking.

Harry's eyes locked with Caroline's as he replied,

"Can we play instead?"

The woman let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and calmly stated,

"Uh, n-no. You need to take your pills, remember?"

Harry stood, his frame towering over Caroline as he got closer to her.

She was ready to make her escape out of the room and beg one of her co-workers to come help her, but Harry was quick to roughly grab her wrist and pull her down with him while he sat on the floor.

Caroline's lip trembled as he kept a hold on her wrist and shoved a doll in her hand.

She kept silent as Harry began carting his fingers through his doll's hair while biting his lip in concentration.

He noticed Caroline wasn't moving her doll around at all and questioned,

"Why aren't you playing?" Harry titled his head in confusion.

"You h-have to take your pills now, Harry."

She put the doll down and went to open the orange bottle.

Before she got the chance to take his dosage out, Harry ripped the pill bottle out of her hands and threw it at the wall, scattering the medication all over the floor.

Caroline's chest began rising up and down in panic, darting her eyes between Harry and the door, prepared to make a run for it.

Harry's nostrils were flared and his jaw clenched. He dropped his doll and grabbed the employee, roughly yanking her arm.

"Please don't hurt me." Caroline pleaded, tears in her big eyes.

Her pleas were ignored when Harry pushed her on the bed and grabbed his pillow.

She screamed unbelievably loud before he pushed the pillow forcefully onto her face, suffocating her into the mattress.

Caroline kicked and pushed but she was simply not strong enough.

Suddenly, two large security guards rushed into the room, successfully pulling Harry away.

The woman sat up, knocking the pillow on the ground, taking deep intense breaths.

Harry screamed as the two forcefully kept a hold on both of his arms. Tears were running down his face as he cried,

"Please don't take me. Please, I'm sorry!"

One of the guards injected him with a sedative and they dragged him away.

Needless to say, Caroline Jones never stepped foot in Stony Gates again.

play with your dolls// h.s. auWhere stories live. Discover now