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It was almost check out time at this motel and I figured we should get ready to leave.

My car was almost out of gas and we haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

I gathered my things while Harry sat on the bed, nibbling on his Snickers bar.

"Come on. We gotta go." I say to Harry while opening the door.

He scrambles to get up and follows me to the hallway.

We drop off our room key to the nice man at reception and we're off on the road.


My plan is to grab gas and food then drive back to Stony Gates. I want to lie and tell him we're going to another motel because I'm not aware of how dangerous Harry could potentially be. He shows obvious signs of aggression but made no effort to seriously harm me other than stabbing me.

He seemed remorseful which is a good sign but I still have to keep a close eye on the boy.

I glance over to see Harry dwindling with his thumbs and chew on his lip.

"So you said we're going to another motel, right?" He suddenly spoke up.

"Yup. But we have to get gas first, because I'm almost on empty. We also need a proper breakfast."

Harry nodded and didn't say much else.

The first gas station I saw was decent-looking but empty, as I noticed no other cars were parked.

We pulled up and I parked my car next to a gas pump and got out, Harry staying close by me.

Immediately upon entering the station, the one employee there kept staring at the both of us, as if we were going to steal something.

I ignored it and Harry seemed to as well.

I grabbed two water bottles and two freshly made bagels for Harry and I.

Walking up to the counter, the employee still had an intense stare for us and I was starting to get a little worried.

"Hey! Aren't you that kid who escaped the crazy hospital?" The blonde man spoke loudly.

"Yes, he is. Did you see him on the news?" I spoke frantically, praying to God this man would call the police.

"Yeah! You two are all over the news. They said to call 911 if we saw anything." He reached to grab the phone.

Harry's breathing became quick and jagged, staring at his shoes, not partaking in the conversation.

What I didn't notice is Harry slip away over to the refrigerated aisle.

"Hello? Yes I would like to report-" Before the employee got a chance to finish his sentence, Harry threw a wine bottle at the man's head, successfully smashing the glass and getting wine everywhere.

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