Chapter One- Discovered

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All I know is I am cold, freezing actually! I can't feel my slim fingers or toes, they are purple. Silent tears run down my poor angelic face, an effect of this strong treacherous wind. I look around me, all these big stylish houses look the same, they scream rich bitch! White frozen rain otherwise known as snow, covers anything and everything. It's about 6 inches right now, but I can feel a terrible storm coming.

I slowly look down the street, the house on the end, it is different from the others. A tall two story grey ranch style home, but what catches my eye is the attic window at the top. I carefully survey the scene around me, there is an old ladder up against the small matching grey garage and from the garage is perfect access to that window. The window that might just save my pathetic self.

I slowly make my way around some houses. The golden sun has set in the horizon and it just keeps getting chiller, I won't survive much longer without shelter. I am Grace Baker and I will not die without a fight! Finally I reached the ladder and started climbing. Half way up I slipped but just caught myself in time. I kept climbing crossing my fingers that the window is unlocked.

Yes! I scream in my head as the window easily popped open with little to no noise. I slid inside and started to look around. It had an old dusty wooden bed , I hit the jack pot! Besides the bed, boxes were lined up on the wall, a golden lamp with a neutral colored shade, a large dark leather chest, an oak table with a matching oak chair, and a white wooden dresser. I opened the chest which wasn't locked out of curiosity and found some old moth eaten clothes.

I grabbed a solid red T-shirt and a pair of grey sweats. After I changed I dropped my old clothes in a small pile. Then I walked over to the dresser which had a mirror attached to the top. I wiped the thick dust from the glass before looking at myself. I use to be so beautiful but now when I look into the mirror I see mess. My long strawberry blonde hair is stained with dirt, my green eyes so very pale with no life, my body is extremely thin I haven't eaten in a few days by now I've gotten use to the hunger pains.

I angrily push away quickly and head over to the bed and crawl in I don't care about the dust or that I'm in a strangers house. This is the first time I've slept in a bed in 6 months. I only plan to stay here a few days and I'll leave, staying in one place to long will get me caught. I drifted to sleeping holding the blanket for dear life.

I woke up in a cold sweat, I just about screamed but caught myself. I look around it's morning and light pours in through that one tiny window. I smell something good wafering through the downstairs of the house. I get up and slowly make my way down the stairs and to the door leading up here. I crack the door open barley and my eyes are greeted by a great sight.

A taller woman around 5'8, mousy brown hair tied up nicely in a professional looking bun, full pink lips, a smaller sized chest I'd say between a B and a C, very nice butt, and small waist line stood in a grey business suit cooking breakfast. I almost gasped when I caught sight of her gorgeous grey eyes, this woman was beautiful. I slowly closed the door and sat on the bottom step.

"Rex baby breakfast is done." The gorgeous woman called out. I thought she was talking to a man but I heard a jingle and a meow.

"There's mommy's baby," her angelic voice said again.

I listen to her eat and leave not even bothering to do her dishes because she seemed to be running late. I cautiously walked out and a grey tabby cat ran up to me and started rubbing on my legs. I reached down to pet him and he purred loudly. I smiled at Rex and walked I into the kitchen.

She left the leftover food in the pans still on the white electric stove so I grabbed a plate, leaving enough eggs and bacon for her not to notice. It tasted so good I had it gone within minutes. I scanned the nice sized kitchen for such a small house it's pretty big. I washed and dried my plates putting them where they belong and moved my way to the cabinets. She had a bunch of half bags a chips, and I mean like 20! I took out 2, she also had a bunch of waters in the fridge so I took two of them and quickly drank one of them refilling it. I took it up stairs and set them in the dresser.

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