Chapter Four- Clubbing

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Grace Pov

We got to the club and we showed the bouncer our I.D.s and I headed straight to the bar and ordered us some fruity drinks. She looked out of place and nervous so I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. I started dancing and at first she was unsure of what she was doing but she advanced pretty quickly.

Before we knew it she was grinding all up on me, both of us had sweat dripping down our faces but soon she was whisked away into the crowd by some guys. I stalked away towards the bar and ordered another drink. The beautiful bartender stopped in front of me "hey sweetness how's it going?" She flirtatiously piped. She had long red hair no freckles unlike most gingers and she was hot!

Alice's Pov

I was enjoying being that close to Grace, I won't deny I'm very attracted to her, but some guys sandwiched me and pushed me away and I couldn't get back. I thought Grace would come for me but she sighed and walked to the bar where that bitch bartender started flirting with her and she flirted back. My anger boiled as I tried to get past the two goons dancing with me but one if them grabbed my shoulder and wouldn't let me past. It was obvious he wasn't letting me through and as I tried to push past him and he blocked me a second time he went flying back.

I looked up as soft full lips crushed into mine, hands traveled up my back and into my hair. As fast as it started it ended and my savior pulled back "she's mine boys!", Grace growled angrily. The guys backed off and let me go with her but I was still scared and stuck close to her. We returned to the bar and Grace and a quiet conversation with the bartender who nodded her head and called somebody through a walkie talkie. I watched as a bouncer tossed those guys out of the club.

"Sorry about that those two are regulars and they are asses" the redheaded bartender apologized. We drank a few more and decided to go home. I haven't really talked much after Grace kissed me. I hate to admit it but I liked it and I liked it a lot!

"Ally you okay?" Grace used my nickname.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied. She must have known I was lying because she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I inhaled her scent as she whispered,

"No your not what's wrong?" She looked genuinely concerned.

"It's nothing I'm just tiered," she didn't push me anymore and helped me to bed I felt her lips softly brush mine and she left.

Graces Pov

I turned to look at Alice and those two guys looked like they were going to rape her. I was up and had made my way over before he even touched her and I shoved him back. I turned to Alice crushing her in a kiss. Ever since then she hasn't said much and I don't know what's wrong with her.

I helped her into bed, even though I know something's wrong. I lightly brushed our lips as I longed to kiss her again but I didn't. Instead I took the number out of my pocket and called Kelsey, the bartender from earlier.

"Hey we got back okay, and I'd like to take you up on the offer."

"Good I was afraid those guys would be outside waiting, how about I pick you up around 7:30ish?" Kelsey asked.

"Yeah 7:30 will be fine thank you darlin"

"No problem I could always use a cute girl" Kelsey flirted.

"Hun I know I'm cute, and I can be sexy if you want me to be!?" I smirked.

"Sexy is even better!" Kelsey purred.

"Alright I will see you tomorrow," I yawned.

"Good night babe" Kelsey replied hanging up the phone.

I walked into my bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. I felt Rex jump on my back and curl up on my lower back and that's where he stayed all night. I woke up and looked towards the door to see Alice leaning into it smiling. Her face quickly changed into pissed off and she spun away. I nudged Rex off my back before following her into the kitchen where she was cooking eggs.

I sat down at the table after pouring a cup of coffee. She didn't look at me and was marching around with attitude. I was getting irritated and finally I growled "what is your problem!"

"My problem is you!" She spun around smacking the island counter between us.

"What did I do to you!" I yelled back.

"Well let me see you break into my house, use my fucking stuff but yet I still let you stay, you take over every fucking thing, your a fucking annoying ass useless piece of shit who needs to get a fucking job so you can move the fuck out of my house, and I don't appreciate you having phone sex in my living room with my fucking phone, then planning on going on a date with her and you probably weren't going to tell me!" She screamed.

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