Chapter Five- Im Sorry

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Alice Pov

I felt slightly bad after saying that but I was furious! Then I saw the tears well up in her eyes and my heart broke, I can't believe I just said that. She looked pissed and I wouldn't blame her.

"You asked me to stay if you don't remember, I clean your house and make you dinner every night, I make you lunch on your days off, I help you when your stuck on something and I try my best to make you happy!" She then raised her voice a little "I wasn't having phone sex we were simply flirting, and when did it suddenly become your business who in the hell I date!" She yelled the last part tears running down her face. "Oh and you won't have to worry I'm going to be paying you back shortly and my useless ass will be gone from your precious house, were you will never have to see or be bothered by me again so you can go back to being a lonely old hermit that nobody will ever love!" She cried retreating to her bedroom knocking something around and running out the front door.

Okay now I feel like shit "FUCK!" I yelled causing Rex to jump up. I know how sensitive Grace is I shouldn't have said what I did. Fucking bartender and her fucking flirting. I left Grace alone while I finished making our breakfast. It had been about 15 minutes and she ran out with sandals and that dress. I sighed as I stood up and went to the front door.

There she sat, still crying a blunt in one hand alcohol in the other on my front stairs. I walked out and sat next to her, gently pulling the blunt out of her hand. I took a long hit off of it and tossed it in the snow. She glared at me taking another swig of whatever she was drinking. I put my hands on hers pulling the bottle away placing the lid on and setting it behind me. She still didn't saying anything, all I needed were my neighbors to see a girl smoking weed and drinking this early in the morning on my front stairs.

She went for her cigarettes and I grabbed her hands. She looked pissed but I whispered "you really should stop smoking please?" She grunted and looked away "why do you care?!" I sighed and pulled her into a hug placing my head on hers. "Because I do care I'm sorry for what I said I'm just a little bitchy today and I took it out on you." I whispered pulling her shivering body into my lap.

"Your not worthless you keep me on my toes that's for sure but I still have grown fond of your company." I sighed into her hair. She was whimpering still and I helped her up taking her to her bedroom to change into warmer close. She sat on the bed pouting and everything in body stopped me from kissing it away, Grace just looked so cute when she pouted. I helped her take the dress off and change into some sweats and a shirt then led her to my couch. I went into the kitchen and grabbed our still warm plates and brought them in.

She cuddled into my side as I flipped through the channels till I found a movie, Bloomington. It is a lesbian movie and neither of us have actually talked about our sexuality but I love this movie so I chose it. She set her plate on the coffee table and cuddled closer into my side, she was still shivering. I placed a blanket around us and that's how we stayed till the movie was over.

"That was horrible!" Grace yelled when it ended. "Not the movie the ending they should have gotten together! Catherine should have went back with Jacqueline and lived happily ever after!" She pouted.

I laughed at her a poked her cheek "stop pouting!" She looked at me and placed her head down on my lap. "Humph!" I laughed again and found us another movie to watch. She finally had to go get ready for friend that was picking her up. This time I was pouting she just looked at me and stuck her tongue out before scurrying away.

Grace's Pov

I thought it was absolutely adorable that Ally was jealous of Kelsey and I. Even though what she said really really hurt me. My parents said everything she did and more when they kicked me out. I was hurt so went to the stuff that's helped me any other time, alcohol and drugs! I slipped out one day when Alice was at work and ran into a drug dealer named Slim. We became fast friends, it's not everyday you meet a gay drug dealer!

Anyways I bought some weed and vodka with the little bit if money Alice gives me a week. I was surprised when Ally took a hit off my blunt, but almost died inside when she tossed it in the snow. If it wasn't for the fact I was high and there was alcohol running through my system I probably woulda killed her. I was confused at how sweet she was being, she had made it clear she didn't want me here.

Anyways I still let her help me change and lead me to the couch. It took me awhile to realize I was freezing so when she offered for me to cuddle I defiantly took her up on that offer! It's not everyday this English beauty was super sweet! I could sit there and listen to her talk in that accent all day everyday, even if she was yelling at me. I got Ally to tell me a little about her childhood in England, but she didn't talk about much.

My heart slightly stopped when she chose Bloomington, I mean it was seriously an amazing movie on top of being lesbian! Maybe I might have a chance with her, just maybe. After both movies I looked at the time and decided I should get ready before Kelsey got here. Come to find out she lived at the end of this road and she offered me a job at the bar. I'm not planning on telling Alice about my new job, actually jobs!

Kelsey not only owned the bar, she owned the coffee shop across the street and offered me a job in the morning and at night. I quickly took a shower and got dressed in a thong and black yoga pants with a matching black tank top. I couldn't wait to pay Alice back and to be able to buy my own stuff. I had a notebook where I kept track on how much I owe Alice and right now I'm at a few grand.

I put my make up on and blow dried my blonde hair before French braiding it. I put on my nice silver sandals and applied my vanilla lip gloss. I walked out and asked Alice how I looked. She slowly looked over her shoulder and started to say something but her mouth just dropped open and shut again, like she was trying to find the words to say all the while roaming her eyes over my body. That's all I needed to see before I just smirked "good!" and I walked out the door. I felt her eyes on my butt and I smiled as I heard her let out a long sigh!

Kelsey was already in the driveway with a bleach blonde in the car. They both were staring at me and Kelsey smiled before leaning out her window and cat calling at me "looking fine as hell babe!" I smiled and shook my head before getting in the back seat. Kelsey looked back at me and smiled "Grace darling this is my girlfriend Abigail!"

Anna turned and smiled waving "Hello, Grace I've heard so much about you!" She replied in a very hot Australian accent.

"Hey," I said obviously drooling over the very sexy blonde in front of me.

Kelsey leaned over and kissed her "You can look all you want sweetie, but no touching unless I'm involved." she winked at me.

I thought about it I would definitely consider that offer! A hot redhead and and sexy Australian blonde, come on that's any man's dream right there! I just nodded but my thoughts fell back to a certain brunette I lived with and how it would feel to have her small soft hands roaming my naked body. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head and prepared myself for my first day of work.

I returned home a little past one, I had made 100$ in tips but of course 25% went back to the bar. I was exhausted but it still brought a smile to my face when I walked into to find Alice passed out on the couch with Rex curled up on her chest. I put my stuff on the table before walking over and carefully lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to her bedroom Rex following right behind. She cuddled into my neck and I smiled as I tucked her in and placed a kiss on her head. "goodnight my love sleep tight," I whispered before slipping out of her room Rex right behind my feet. I could see the slight smile on her face and her mutter "traitor" after him.

I stretched my back, before taking off my clothes and putting on a T-shirt and crawling into bed. Rex jumped up on me and cuddled between my boobs and I laughed as I stroked his head. He started purring and I smiled sweetly. "I'm going to miss you when I'm gone," I whispered to him with tears in my eyes. I know I'm going to have to leave soon and it killed me. I've grown fond of living here but soon she will grow old of me, everyone always does. I fell asleep that night dreaming of the impossible, somebody like her actually wanting a useless faggot like me. That's what my parents told me at least.

# Sorry my loves I know I haven't updated any of my stories in forever!!!! I've been so busy!!! school started again and I'm a senior!!!!! but hey I turned 18 on Tuesday Aug. 27th!!! I'm legal yay me.... cough cough... Anyways for you football fans guess what today is!!!! :D I start work again today... I work at the Notre Dame games cooking yay me right! I get to deal with a bunch of rich people being assholes ;) not everyone but a lot of them are!

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