✖️ Chapter Eleven: Present ✖️

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The boardroom was quiet as Jared sweated next to me and Ben rubbed his hands together on the other side. Martin had an eerie calm to him and it seemed to radiate off of him and connect with me. I folded my hands together in my lap and continued to stare at the executives in front of me.

"You have agreed to this, Ms. Donee?" The man said with a thick Danish accent. I nodded my head. "You as well, Mr. Garritsen?" Martin answered and Ben smiled at him with compassion. "I think we have all come to an agreement, yes?"

"Yes, sir," Jared responded as he pulled out my papers. "We would appreciate your signature, sir." Ben took out Martin's papers and slid them across the table to the CEO of Spinnin' Records. Relief washed over Ben and Jared's faces as the man in front of us signed the papers.

"Congratulations, Rain and Martjin on your new careers," everyone who is in the room clapped for us before the manager made them stop. "But, be warned, if we find anything that seems to affect Spinnin' negatively in anyway, we will not be afraid to cut you off of the contract. Have a good day."

The CEO left the room with his people to leave the four of us alone with large grins on our faces. I took the papers from the table and kissed it, holding the contract close to my chest. Jared wiped his hands on his jeans and then wrapped his arms around my shoulders for a hug.

"I am very proud of you, Rain," My manager spoke as I could hear him choke on his words. "You've come so far in such little time." I returned the hug and rolled my eyes as I felt myself beginning to tear up.

"Stop, you're going to make me cry," I responded as I saw Martin and Ben stand up to give each other a bro hug. "I'm a ugly cryer too." Releasing me from his grip, I placed the papers back down and stared at it, thinking of the amazing things to come.


Really just a teaser chapter, but the next one is longer. I swear!


✖️ To Forgive and Forget [ MARTIN GARRIX ] [ COMPLETED ] ✖️Where stories live. Discover now