Lionblaze x reader

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You sat on a log looking out over the trees watching the sun rise. It was your favorite thing to do sence it was peaceful and relaxing and gave you time to think. Then you heard growling and turned your head to see a large pitbull with its teeth bared walking torwards you. You got up and started panicking. I'm on a cliff what can I do!?! Your heart rate increased and then stopped when the dog jumped at you pushing you and you screamed as the dog barked and jumped off you as you fell off the cliff. Your hands reached for something anything to hold on to and success you looked and saw a root was your savior. You hear the dog barking and then whine then all goes silent and the head of a familiar boy with glowing amberish eyes. "What are you doing?"he asked teasingly.

"Oh you know just hanging around."You joked. He grinned his stupid little grin and reached down and grabbed your wrist pulling you up. Oncee you where back on solid gound (or so you thought) you bruzhed off your d/c dress and sat down to take annoying rocks out of your shoes. Lionblaze sat down to and with out warning took your shoe. "Hey! I need that!" you said trying to take it back. But he held it out of your reach laughing as you tried to grab it. You jumped on him and tried yanking your shoe out of his hand. There was a loud crack then the whole ledge like thinggy curplumited down. You grabbed on to him tight as you both fell down into the cliff. Soon you hit the botton and you where flung off the thinggy and slamed against the wall painfully and landed in a mud puddle. 

Lionblaze looked up his goldenish hair messed up. "Well that was unexpected." he said flatly. Mud was sllattered all over him and you as well. "At least we survived!" he said hopling up onto his feet. "Yeah thismis better than dying... Right?"you say standing you took off your other shoe and looked around the matching one was not far so you went to it and put them on. "Well we should try to find a way out or something."he said walking over to you and sitting down. You looked around and noticed the cavern was like a funnle and you reached the bottom. "Uh well the only way out is up." you acknowledged. He didn't seem happy. "Well we will be climbing for a while."he said annoyed. You huffed and sat don next to him. You didn't even want to climb. You where in a dress and tenna shoes is that what there called? He grabbed you and pulled you in hugging m you while thinking of a plan. You watch the suns ray streak intomthe forest and then remember. "Oh my brother/sister was gonna come so we just have to wait for her/him."you say cheerfully. 

He lightens up at this and looks at you "well then we have some time alone then?"you nod and he smiles cheezily. You giggle and he lays down on his back pulling you with him. You listen to the trees rustle above you andd Lionblaze sighs "I have something to tell you." you look up at him and he looks into your e/c eyes. "Y/n I-I love you."he says boldly. You lightly and playfully smack his chest "I love you too" you cooe. Then he lightly kisses your forehead and you lean on his chest.

This is probibly awful to you so I don't know why I keepwriting them.....

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