Crowfeather x Reader

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It is said that once in a blue moon I update...

"He's grumpy!" Almost always
"He's annoying!" Ignoring everyone
"I don't like him!" He's cute

You groaned loudly and used the palms of your hands to rub the sides of your head in frustration.

No matter how hard you tried to be Crowfeather's friend he always pushed you away. Sometimes, like today, it would end with a violent argument with yelling as your clan mates watched from the sidelines.

As you marched away you had heard Nightcloud snickering at you. You punched the tree in front of you as hard as you could hardly feeling the pain in your hand as your adrenaline raced along side with your anger.

You felt the unrest in your legs and began to run across the edge of the boarder, you were breathing hard and you let out a loud yell of anger.

You eventually ran out of energy as the sun began to sit. You made your way back to the camp slowly.

When you got back to camp you went into the warriors house and into your room. You sat on your bed and looked out the window next to it.

"Why does he have to be so stupid and rude. Can't he see I'm trying to be his friend? He's such an idiot."

You felt tears drop from your eyes and sucked in a shaky breath. You brought your uninjured hand to your eye and cried. You didn't cry quietly but at the same time it wasn't loud enough to disturb anyone.

You slid off the edge of your bed and sat on the floor, knees curled to your chest the only thing blocking them was your arm as your face buried into your hand.

Your other hand lay over its corresponding knee as blood dripped from it slowly, most of it was dry but just a bit was still wet.

There was a knock on your door and you went silent.

"Y/n, are you ok?" A voice sounded

"Fine" your voice came out more strained then you liked

There was a click before your door swung open. The light from the hall flooded in but you didn't remove your hand away from your face.

"Go away." You spat

Quiet footsteps approached and shuffling signaled them getting lower.

"Why is your hand all cut up?"

"Crowfeather, of corse, the one I wanted to see the least."

You felt his hand reach under to your palm to lift your hand. You pulled it back quickly.

"Y/n! Don't be so stubborn! Let me help!" He said angrily

"I don't want your help! Your inconsiderate and an idiot!"

He was silent and you were beginning to wonder if he had left when he spoke.

"You know what you are?"

Your breath hitched and you didn't reply.

"Your annoying, loud, cocky, and stupid."

His hand wrapped around your wrist and pulled, forcing your hand away from your face.

"No don't"

You had no doubt your face was streaked with tears and your eyes were glossy, the skin around them pink. You shut your eyes and angled your face down.

"But your also good-humored, supportive, and honestly.. well I like you."

Your eyes shot open and you looked into his clear blue ones.

He stood up guiding you to your feet after, leading you outside to the river, stopping on the way to grab bandages and peroxide.

You sat across from him and let him pour the stinging liquid over your hand before wrapping it.

"He's grumpy,
He's annoying,
But I do love him"

Human warrior cat x readerWhere stories live. Discover now