Firestar x Reader

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Are ya ready for dis? La dee da

"This is terrible, all of it's terrible, there's no way it could possibly get any worse!"

"What happened?"

"I dropped my (fav snack)." you whined from your position on the floor.

Your ginger headed friend crouched beside you and pulled at your ear.

"Y/n That's no reason to act like this." He said sternly.

You pushed your upper body up with your hands and glared into his emerald eyes with your teary ones.

"Have a little sympathy man, I know your busy but you could afford to have feelings" you sniveled.

Firestar rolled his eyes, "There are other things to worry about."

"But my (snack)..." You whimpered

Firestar leaned his head on his hand, his elbow resting on his thigh.

"You know there's more in the kitchen." He said.

"But it won't be the same!"

"Ok ok, what do I need to do to make you feel better?" He asked

You shuffled forward on your hands and knees, scooting between his legs before wrapping your arms around his torso and squeezing hard.

You heard his grunt as you forced the air out of him.

"Take me to go get ice cream!" You cheered.

"F-fine" he managed to say.

You let go and he took in a deep breath.



The both of you were walking on the sidewalk, in the direction of the ice cream shop, when you ran into Firestar's apprentice, Bramblepaw.

"Hey Bramble! Want to come with us? We're getting ice cream!" You exclaimed with a smile.

"Oh really? Sure I'd like to!" He said happily.

You heard Firestar sigh lightly before continuing on to the shop. Once you got there you all got your favorite flavors and sat on a bench outside.

"Mm! This is sooo good!" You squealed.

Firestar hummed while Bramblepaw shook his head quickly. Suddenly an idea struck you and you grinned before using a stick that came with the ice cream to flick said snack at Firestar.

It quickly flew through the air before landing under his eye making him jump in surprise.

"What the- Y/n. Why did you do that?" He asked.

"Because with the mood your in you could certainly sweeten up!" You laughed as Bramblepaw watched with wide eyes.

"Whatever, but I'll get you back" Firestar mumbled as he wiped away the cream from his face.

Human warrior cat x readerWhere stories live. Discover now