Thrushpelt x reader :jealousy

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(I had to! He's just so shy and adorable! Or at least that's how I see him... On with the story!)
You slumped in your chair, tapping your nail against the wooden table, obviously bored. You glanced at the window, thin drapes covering the view.
Standing, you walked lazily over to the window, lightly brushing the drapes to the side and staring out the window with dull e/c eyes.
You growled inwardly, the sky was the color of that-one-guys hair. (lol I had to!)
I hate her! She is sooo lucky! She may have lost family but at least she has people who care for her and actually try to help her! No one even takes a second glance at me!
You tought, warm, salty tears streaming down your cheeks, blurring your vision, dripping off your chin and splashing on your hand only to drip onto the windowsill.
But these weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of anger.
I don't care if hair brained- Thistleclaw says that I'm jealous! He can go to he-
Your thoughts where cut off at a loud banging on your door, causing you to scream, jump back in surprise, and knock over a flower vase that had nothing but water and dead, dried flowers.
You cried out in pain as a sharp piece cut your wrist, blood leaked from between your fingers as you held your cut, crying out in panic, the door flung open.
You hated seeing blood, it made you feel sick and light-headed.
Blood and tears mixed as they fell on the floor.
"Y/n! Are you ok! I heard a crash and..." A voice trailed off as quickly as it had started.
"Y/n. Your bleeding. Let me help."
Thrushpelt. You mentally growled and cooed
You felt your hand moved and a stinging as he cleaned it.
You jumped up and screamed "AHHHHHHHWWWWWWWW!"
Thrushpelt was surprised and startled, dropping the cleaning thinggy.
"Oops," he said a light pink dusting his face, "I'm no doctor but I think I put to much."
"YOU THINK!?!?!" you screamed, clutching your stinging wrist.
He stood up and walked over to you "My bad but you need a-"
"No! I can live with one cut on my arm!" you squawked and jumped away.
"Y/n! You need bandages!" he growled, chasing after you, a roll of bandages (or whatever it comes in) in hand.
You jumped around, squawking and pushing over tables and chairs. Thrushpelt easily leapt over them
Damn I forgot he is athletic!
You tripped over a blanket and face planted on the carpet with a sadend grunt.
You felt pinching on your cut and jerked up but Thrushpelt had you pinned and even with you struggling and squirming around he managed to wrap you up in the bandages.
He dusted off his hand and stood.
"That wasn't so hard now was it?"
"Yes. Very." you growled not bothering to get up.
He glared back at you and you noticed on one table that some how managed to avoid being knocked down there was a group of black roses.
You sat up and stared at the rare flowers.
"Do you like them?" asked Thrushpelt catching your stare.
You only noded.
"Good! That means I can give them to-"
You cut him off as you let your anger get the best of you.
Thrushpelt was silent for a while eyes twitching at you sudden burst of emotion.
Then he funally spoke "ahem. Ok that was rude, you didn't let me finish my sentence." he growled, crossing his arms.
You murmured an apology, he nodded and spoke.
"I was thinking of giving them to Bluefur/star (whatever)"
I knew it.
But? But what?
"I decided to give them to someone who actually might return my feelings... So... Y/n"
"I wanted to give them to you!" he declared, throwing the roses at you, they hit you in the face and you dramatically flew back with them.
"Owww...." you groaned "Did it ever occur to you the roses might have thorns?" you whined
"Oops sorry" he apologized, face turning red.
"But thanks!" you purred, leaping up and embracing him in a giant hug.
You loosened it when you notice the struggle for breath and his arms pinned tightly to his side. As soon as you loosened he gasped in air and hug back.
De end~ (yaaaaahhhhh \>o</)

Human warrior cat x readerWhere stories live. Discover now