Ashfur x reader

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Badda ba ba ba I'm lovin it! Lol no its been about a couple months but uhhm sorry? I got school Ok its been tough.

You were strolling through the forest thinking about what happened recently. The only thing you could think of was Ashfur's undieing love for petty little Squirrelflight.

Sorry if you love squirrel flight dun hate me pleeeese my peas! >x<

She seemed to just switch mates for no reason. You saw nothing wrong with Ashfur in fact if he would get his head out of the clouds and back down on earth you would probly find he courage to tell him the truth...

You shook your head and pulled your hair up into a sloppy ponytail with small parts of hair draping to the side of your face but most of it staying up.

You leaped forward and gasped as a part of your (whatever your wearing) got caught on a bramble making you trip and land painfully on your stomach making pain lance up your body as your jaw made contact with the dirt.

You felt liquid leaking in your mouth and sat on your legs, holding your hands up to your mouth as it opened and pulling back to stare in horror as you saw crimson red.

"Fox-dung!" You cursed standing and limping to camp, your leg had kicked a rock and also had a shallow but painful cut.

Once you got in camp you made your way towards the medicine den but got stopped as the mouse-brain himself stopped you.

"Y/n what happened? Are you ok?" He asked seeming very worried witch surprised you.

"Yea just fell and bit my tounge, my leg hurts though so..." You trailed off as he nodded and, grabbing your arm, dragged you to Leafpool.

As you suspected, you were fine, only had a few painful bruises and small nicks you never even would have noticed.

She bound your leg gently but securely and gave you some herbs for the tounge pain.

The whole time Ashfur was there annoying the heck out of Leafpool with how secure the bindings were and if your tounge would ever stop bleeding.

She finally finished and shoved Ashfur out and lead you out more carefully.

"Just rest for a bit. It should be getting better by tomorrow." She purred

You thanked her and walked away with Ashfur trailing behind you, scanning every bruise and cut you had.

You shooed him away with your tail (you get to keep your tail as a human) and went into the warrior house finding your room and walking in, before you could close it a certain someone slipped in.

"Ashfur," you groaned "give me peace! What gives?" You said, e/c orbs flicking to him

"Well.... Er.... You seem... I was....." He seemed to be searching for the right words.

You just shut the door and sat on your bed waiting for him to spit it out.

"I kinda... Sort of... Maybe.... Like you.... More then I thought....." He said

Your eyes widen and you let out a purr

"Well maybe I 'kinda sort of' like you to." You said

He let out a sigh of relief and sagged his shoulders.

You felt the darkness of sleep creep into your mind so you laid down and curled up, falling asleep, but before you did you felt someone
(gee I wonder who..)
Cuddle next to you, wrapping their arms around you and falling asleep as well.

Heheheheheheheh I'm so happay 😆😄 xoxoxoxo 💕💘 lol Ok I'll stop

Was it good? I need suggestions and support I think its so awkward and terrible! Literally.

Human warrior cat x readerWhere stories live. Discover now