Breezepelt x Reader

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Sorry if this is a bit ooc

"So, this is how it is." You said, your tone calm.

"What do you mean?" Breezepelt scoffed.

"I know."

"You know what?" He asked, annoyed.

"I know what your doing. Do you think I'm feather-brained?" You hissed, the fluff on your tail bushing up.

The black haired boy remained silent and his eyes narrowed.

"I swear sometimes you can be so stubborn! You don't need to fight or kill anyone to prove yourself!"

"What do you know! You don't know anything about what I'm going through!" He retorted

You let out a sigh and turned your back to him.

"Whatever, do what you want, I won't stop you, but just so you know from this point on we are no longer friends." You said bitterly and walked away.



You walked through the tall grass, placing each foot down carefully as to not make to much noise. You swept your e/c gaze over the land before they locked on a rabbit, bounding through the grass a fox-length ahead of you.

You stealthily crept forward, getting ready to pounce when- "BOO!"

You let out a shriek of surprise at the unexpected noise as you were tackled to the ground.

You struggled but the person had you pinned you opened your eyes and looked up.

"B-Breezepelt? Why in the name of Starclan did you do that?" You asked, slightly relieved.

"You've been ignoring me, I got tired of it." He stated

"So? We're not friends! I don't have to talk to you if I don't want to!" You argued, causing him to groan.

You both then stared at each other, Breezepelt, with a passive but slightly irritated gaze, and you, with a annoyed and scornful glare.

He then sighed, "it's no fair for you to ignore me when your so enticing."

Your face went red at the comment and further flushed as he leaned down to your ear and lightly bit it.

You were speechless, you had no idea how to react or even fully knew what was going on.

"Please stop ignoring me and be with me, I promise to be better." He whispered, you could hear the sly tone in his voice.

"F-fine! Geez! Just get off of me!" You said angrily as you pushed him off of you.

"You owe me a rabbit by the way, I nearly had the one before you surprised me!" You put in.

"Ok then let's go!" He called as he stood up and took off.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Human warrior cat x readerWhere stories live. Discover now