Chapter 6

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Trevor's POV

''My answer is no, I won't help you find my friends'' I said.

The guard just looked at me.

''You know if you said yes then after you help use find your friends we'll let you go'' he said.

''I know but I'd never betray my friends'' I replied.

''Well in that case you're not going anywhere anytime soon, especially since you're friends aren't going to rescue you'' he said before leaving.

''What if he's right?, what if Jacob and the others aren't going to rescue me'' I thought to myself.

I continued thinking about this for a while.

Jacob's POV

We were thinking about a plan to rescue Trevor.

''The guards leave the room 3-4 times through out the day, they're normally gone for at least 5 minutes'' Ethan said.

''Is that enough time to get him out?'' Lilly asked.

''I hope so'' I replied.

''Once we're inside how are we going to get him out of there?'' Alison asked.

''Well we can't break the glass cause that'll make a lot of noise'' I said.

''There has to be a button or something'' Lilly replied.

''I don't think it'd be safe if we all go'' Ethan said.

''Ok how about 3 people go and the rest of us wait here'' Alison said.

We all agreed.

''I'll go with you'' Lilly said.

''Me too'' Matthew replied.

We decided to wait a few hours.

3-4 hours later

''Maybe we should go now, we're gonna have to run a lot'' Lilly said.

''Good idea'' I replied.

After 45 minutes of running we arrived.

''Hold on, looks like the guards are about to leave'' Matthew said.

We hid behind the building. A few minutes later they were all gone. We ran inside.

''Where is he?'' Lilly asked.

We looked around.

''There'' I said.

I ran over to Trevor.

''Trevor'' I said.

''Jacob'' he replied.

''That's Jacob?'' a girl asked.

''Yeah'' he replied.

''You were right he is cute'' she said.

''What are you guys doing here?'' he asked.

''We're here to rescue you, all of you'' I replied.

''Tell me how to get you out of here'' I said.

''There's a button over there'' he replied.

We heard the guards walking back.

''Jacob we have to go now or else they'll capture us'' Lilly said.

''Jacob come on let's go'' Matthew said.

I looked at Trevor.

''I'll come back for you'' I said before leaving.

45 minutes later we got back.

"Are you guys ok?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah we're fine" Lilly replied.

"Where's Trevor?" Alison asked.

"We couldn't rescue him" Matthew replied.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked.

"I was about to open the tube when we heard the guards, we had to leave before they saw us" I replied.

"I'm sorry Jacob" Alison said.

"It's ok" I replied.

"We can try again another day" Lilly said.

I nodded.

Trevor's POV

"Do you think they'll come back for us?" Emma asked.

Rebecca and Caitlin looked at me.

"Yeah I'm sure they will" I replied.

The guards were walking around. One of them walked over to my tube. He showed something on the tablet.

"Why were your friends here?" he asked.

"I-I don't know" I replied.

"You don't know?" he asked.

I shook my head. He nodded then walked away. I sighed of relief. 2 minutes later white steam started coming out of my tube. Within seconds I was knocked out. When I woke up I was in a different room and I was tied to a chair.

"Why'd you lie?" he asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I replied.

He hit me.

"Just tell me why your friends were here" he said.

"No" I replied.

He hit me again.

"Tell us and we'll stop hurting you" someone said.

"You better tell us now, you know since you're bleeding" a man replied.

"I can't tell you" I said in low tone.

"Can't or won't?" he asked.

I stayed quiet.

"Look Trevor we don't want to hurt you" he said.

"Really? then what are you doing right now, tickling me?" I asked.

He walked over to me.

"Why won't you tell us why your friends were here?" he asked.

"Because I know if I tell you then you'll capture them and probably kill them" I replied.

"I mean that's what you're going to do to the rest of us right?" I asked.

"Take him back to his tube" he said before leaving.

He nodded then untied me. He took me to the other room and put me in my tube.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"They didn't like the fact that I lied to them about my friends so they beat me up" I replied.

I suddenly started getting lightheaded.

"Trevor are you ok?" Rebecca asked.

Everything went black.

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