Part Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

How could you miss someone that you'd barely spent any time with so much? Regardless of common sense, by midday Monday Sammy really missed Joel. Saturday night had been great, the four of them had enjoyed each other's company, Corinne had a lot of affection for Joel, she always had, but he and Mike got on really well too, which meant that the topics of conversation ranged hugely from the financial world and the big bankers to fishing bait. And there was humour too.

They'd shared wine and the greatest steaks at Laura's the only real restaurant in town, but when they finished they left and walked along the marina selecting which of the half dozen pubs they'd visit first.

Sambucca followed beers and more wine and Sammy couldn't remember when she'd been so drunk. But she got home, and was woken before sunlight by her daughter. An equally worse-for-wear Joel had had the same idea and she'd literally bumped into him at the seafront, both hoping that salty air and a strong breeze would clear their heads. The only one of the three embracing that phenomena was Eleanor who, wrapped against the elements had great fun giggling at the seagulls who swooped aggressively for the crumbs she tossed from her half eaten sandwich.

"Breakfast?" He'd groaned as he reached her position. "And a promise that you will never every take me out drinking again!"

She had laughed at that, "breakfast - yes. But I'm not committing to the other. I had fun. Haven't had a night out like that in ages."

He'd been quiet for a moment then smiled, "me too. At least this hangover is due to fun."

It was another insight into how hard he had found the last eighteen months, like her he'd used alcohol to numb reality. Not as part of a night enjoyed with friends, good company.

They'd eaten greasy breakfast and strong coffee in a cafe a few metres away and they talked happily. Then he had to leave for his train. London called and he had to go back.

"You'll visit again?" She hated that it sounded like a beg as they hugged on the platform of the train station.

He nodded, "try keeping me away."

That had been twenty four hours ago, and she missed his company, his light humour, and the memories they shared.

Sighing she knew she had to pull herself together, Christmas was coming, and with that was a whole load of planning...and after New Year Corinne was travelling for just over a month, and Sammy had told her she'd work the salon for her, keep things open. With no childcare arranged she needed plans...soon.

Clifford Turner had spent every lunch since Joel had known him at the Grosvenor. He remembered him telling Marcus and himself as ten year olds that business deals had been started and finished there. He didn't believe that, it was a relaxing place, people talked, business was discussed, but it as a long way from a cutthroat office. Nevertheless, he took up a perch at the bar in the hope of seeing the older man. He hadn't since the funeral, and he knew that there was a lot left unsaid. After all it had been Clifford's compliance and help that actually pulled the last few pieces of the puzzle together. He was instrumental in Joel's team, and later the police pinning everything on Daniel. He had no idea how that was resting on the older man's shoulders.

AS he ordered a coffee, his weekend sojourn with alcohol had put him off anything stronger for a while, his phone beeped. Opening the message that flashed he gasped.

'Look what you missed Uncle Joel.' It was accompanied by a five second video of Eleanor staggering her first steps. He was overwhelmed at the fact that Sammy had wanted to share that special moment with him. But then he was the only one who shared her pain that another milestone passed that Marcus missed.

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