Part Forty

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Chapter Forty


They'd fallen back asleep after their early morning call, and as Joel reached for his watch, he groaned to see it was almost ten.

"Actually we may be too late for that, we can grab a breakfast sandwich from somewhere as we head home?"

Sammy tried to open her eyes in response, but failed, and that made Joel smile, stooping he dragged his lips over hers, then when she moaned, he sucked at her bottom lip. Instead of opening her eyes with indignation at her rude awakening, she threw her arms around his neck and thrust her tongue into his mouth. That caught him by surprise, and within moments they were savaging each other all over again. Without the barrier of clothes his mouth ran riot over her skin, her shoulder, then down to her breasts were he feasted greedily.

Finally lifting his head he looked down at her thrown back in rapture and grinned as her eyes slowly opened, "you have THE most amazing breasts...I could do this all day."

And with that he pulled her into his arms and rolled over her, and within seconds they were joined together again. More times than he could remember in one night, he felt like a horny teenager.

Joel watched Sammy rush into Corinne's house almost before the taxi had come to a slow stop. He hated that she was closing down to him already, he thought she'd find it hard once they returned to normality, but as they left the room, searched for a taxi, she had become more and more distant.

He paid the driver and then made his way in her wake to Corinne's house, hating that he was still in last night's suit.

Mike was there, making coffee in just a pair of pyjama trousers, Corinne was smiling as she watched Eleanor hugging Sammy as though she'd been away for a month.

"You want a coffee?" Mike called from the kitchen.

Joel followed him into the room and leaned against the work surface, "would rather a shower and a change of clothes, but cheers, a coffee sounds great."

Nodding he poured an extra mug and handed it to him, "you sort things out?"

Joel wasn't in a rush to divulge the details of the previous day to someone who was still a stranger, as much as he liked Mike, so instead he shrugged, "what in life worth having isn't complicated?"

Mike looked at him quizzically before nodding, "you are right Joel my man."

It was an almost torturous forty minutes, making small talk, drinking coffee, when in reality he just wanted to get back to the cottage. He wasn't coping with this at all because the longer they stayed and talked, the further Sammy moved away from him, physically and emotionally. He had to get her alone, reassure her that this was the right thing to do. That she didn't need to be scared, or back off at all.

"I'll drive you home," Corinne offered once they'd agreed to finally leave.

And that was how he ended up sat in the back of the small car next to Eleanor, the women up front gossiped all the way through town to the small house on the hill opposite.

Then Eleanor distracted when they got into the lounge.

"You mind if I shower first?" She didn't wait for an answer, instead rushing away from him...again.

Usually the scent of camomile relaxed Sammy, but as the shower beat down on her sensitive skin she felt anything but relaxed. It had all been going so well, she'd enjoyed every moment of it, and there had been a LOT to enjoy. But she felt inadequate, worthless...a fraud. The bath sponge was abrasive, but not enough and she felt tears run down her cheeks into the torrent from the showerhead as she remembered his words as he'd pounced on her that last time.

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