Part Six

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Chapter Six

It was amazing being back in Cornwall, the sun seemed stronger, the luscious beaches stretched out for miles, and Corinne's doorbell hadn't stopped ringing since they'd arrived, she had no idea she knew so many people, but it seemed half the town wanted to come and say hello. It was the first time she'd seen anyone other than Corinne since her husband had died. Her grief had been too great.

Corinne's mother was like a mother hen and insisted that she babysit for the girls to go out together that night, and where Sammy might have declined, but suddenly she was happy leaving her daughter, the lunch with Joel had gone reasonably well, Janet had coped almost easily. And she'd almost enjoyed an hour without Eleanor. Her first child free hour in months. Dinner and wine in the local pub peppered by hellos from so many people was a great way to pass an evening, and in a rare lull in company, Corinne leaned over and whispered, "I never thought I'd see you this happy again."

Sammy smiled at her warmly, "really? I'm sorry; I've been THE worst friend this last year."

Corinne lifted an eyebrow and looked at her quizzically, "what!? You are crazy woman, you have been through SO much, and I've felt so helpless, I just wish I could have helped more."

"You have been my rock. I wouldn't be here without you."

She laughed, "think that the change is due to Joel Edwards taking the flak."

"I really thought it was him, trying to get us evicted."

Corinne shook her head, "I told you, I always liked him, and you know me and my instinct."

Sammy rolled her eyes, and at that moment Mike, Corinne's latest flame entered the place and her eyes widened.

"Look I'm going to head back to yours, your mother will be glad to be relieved, and I'm missing my little gal."

"Don't go because of me!" Mike announced as he moved towards them.

Sammy laughed, "it's not because of you, I swear. This is the first night I've had out in a year, AND I got a train at six am this morning. I am about to fall asleep standing up!"

Eleanor was asleep in the travel cot in Corinne's spare room when Sammy got home, and for the first time in a year she went to bed with a thick head and wondered if she'd have a hangover the next morning.

The only time that Joel 'switched' off to the stress of his life, was the ninety minutes after three o'clock on a Saturday when he played football. The team he'd played for since he'd left university had morphed from a good team full of fresh faced good players, to a group of older men who were enjoying the luxuries of life far more than they had. But it was fun, they were a good group of guys, it was a great work out, and now that they'd dropped a couple of divisions, they won as much as they lost. And afterwards they met in a pub somewhere near the ground that they'd played at. The league took them all over London, and whilst he never missed a game if he could help it, he didn't always stay for a few beers. But he did that Saturday. His mind was far too active trying to decipher all that had landed on his plate, and the temptation of beer and curry in a nearby pub was far too tempting.

He'd known the boys for years, and instantly dropped into banter, across a table as they all ate bowls of chicken curry washed down with pints of beer. It was the first time in months that he'd literally sat back and stepped away from his responsibilities. And it was definitely what he needed. For months Marcus had occupied his every thought, he'd been so distant when he'd died. His choice, well...his decision and he would regret that distance for as long as he lived. Now, it was a slightly different focus in his mind. Now he was constantly wondering what the hell he had been up to in the weeks and months before his death.

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