Part Forty Two

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A/N Sorry, major connection issues, but I'm back on line now! Sorry at delay, but epilogue to follow...if enough seek one, then a new story in a couple of days.

Hope you enjoy this coming to an end, MZ

Chapter Forty Two

He was everything, as Sammy tumbled back against the pillow, spent, exhausted, useless, Joel hovered over her, studying her, smiling, content.

"You are amazing," his eyes glittered in the half darkness for a moment, before he collapsed beside her, pulling him into his embrace. "And shattered," he glanced at the clock, "Ellie's going to be up in a couple of hours."

Sammy stretched as provocatively as she could, but he was right, fatigue was taking over, "are you saying you want to sleep in the attic?"

He nibbled at her shoulder, "not likely, I want to be next to you...all the time."

And as his arms wrapped around her, those words encased her brain, and for the first time in a long time, she felt loved, desired, and special.

"So little lady, it's Christmas Eve, and we have SO much to do today!" Sammy lifted Eleanor up in the air until she giggled then brought her down very quickly until her lips contacted with her daughter's cheek. "What shall we do first?"

Keeping her on her hip, she reached for her to do list and pondered for a moment, "so we have the butcher for the turkey, the grocer's for our vegetables, then make desserts...have you wrapped all your gifts?"

Eleanor's eyes looked up at her intently, as her mother spoke, then she giggled again, "it's alright for you Miss, you get a trip from Santa...I just have the dinner to make, gifts to wrap...and people to entertain."

"I can take the butcher? Or I can take your mother for her check up?"

Sammy had looked up and smiled at him when he entered the room, devouring him once again with her eyes, but his reference to her mother's appointment made her groan, "shit! I left that off my list!"

He grinned, "why don't I drive you to town, then take Eleanor with me in the car to the hospital, then when your mother is sorted, we'll come back and you've had a couple of hours to catch up."

She grinned at him, "you are an angel, do you know that? Will you be ok with Monica? I know you aren't her biggest fan."

He shrugged, "I love her daughter, I have to put up with her, so I may as well make an effort, hey?"

Stopping dead in her tracks she stared at him for a long moment, "how the hell did I find someone as wonderful as you?"

He chuckled, "I will cause chaos and irreparable damage between you and her, I'm sure, so keep remembering that. Yes?"

She didn't react to that, she just kept smiling, "you want some breakfast."

"It's Christmas Eve; I want EVERYTHING that that entails."

"Well then that's panetone, with real butter and jam, and coffee."

"Sounds fantastic." He held his arms out to Eleanor, and she all but threw herself into his embrace, leaving Sammy to get them all breakfast. A good thing, as when she wasn't busy, she was thinking about him, and the night they'd spent together. Having a plan, that was what she needed.

Two hours later she had finished her shopping. She hadn't had much opportunity to buy anything for Joel, the shops in her town were limited, and it was well before lunchtime when she picked up what she wanted, as well as all the accoutrements for their festive eating and drinking. As usual it was excessive for one day, but she loved Christmas, and this was her first as a parent, and her first since the hell that had been the previous Christmas. Sat alone, crying and in pain.

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