Bad things happen to good people

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So this is the story of my actual life- this is what happened with my mom. She has breast cancer right now (November 11, 2015) and she has to go through Kemo. But my family is hoping for the best💕

"I have breast cancer" my mom admitted, turning to my younger sibling.

That's the 4 words I did not want to hear. Those are the four words that can flip anyone's world upside down. Especially when it's someone so close to you, it just doesn't feel right.

Let me explain from the beginning.

One day, my mom came running up the stairs, calling my dads name. She ran into the bathroom,closing the door behind her, telling my dad to 'feel this' I listened in, and realized she was talking about a bump on her breast. I immediately knew, since my aunt had it. And I immediately expected the worst. She went to go check it out and stuff a couple days after, which brings us to now..

It was Friday night, just before dinner. My mom had just called me and my three brothers down into the living room. We all sat on the couches, even my dad sitting down. My dad sat next to me on one couch while my mom sat in between my brothers on the other couch.
"So I have something to tell you guys" she started, and we all looked at her. My dad instantly put his hand on my knee, rubbing softly. I already knew what was about to be said. I had expected it ever since she ran into the bathroom.
"I have breast cancer" my mom admitted, turning to my younger brother who is 9. My other brother is 14.
"I don't want you to be sad, mommy is going to do whatever she can to get this out of her." She choked up, eyes getting blurry as did mine, and I'm sure everyone else's
"You're all doing so well in school, I don't want you to worry about me. I'm going to be just fine" she continued, wiping away her tears. I bit my lip, desperately trying not to let the tears fall. I needed to be strong for my brothers, I couldn't let them be scared or worried
"You can ask me any questions you have, just don't worry about me. Don't stop living your life and worrying about mine. I'm gonna make it through this, okay?" We all nodded, though my eyes were trained to the floor. How could this happen to such a beautiful women, who has been through so much in her life? Her mom died of pancreatic cancer at 45, which is how old my mom is now. Her dad died at 56, about 3 years ago. My grandpa..god I miss him so much. He died from just smoking all the time, he probably had lung cancer but we never knew because he ended up passing away. But he's happy with his wife now, up there. Her brother died about 2 years ago from a heart attack on a boat, no one saw it coming. My mom had 3 c sections to have us kids. She's been through many jobs and finally works at a hospital, drawing people's blood.

This women has literally been through hell and back, and now this? This isn't what she deserves.

By now everyone but me and my older brother, David, have left the couch, my mom hugging him then coming over to me.
She brought me into a hug, holding me tight in her arms. It was then that I let out my tears, crying onto her shoulder.
"Do you still want me to go tonight?" I whispered in her ear, trying to hold back the sobs but failing
"Yes Y/N, don't worry about me I'm fine" she smiled warmly, kissing my cheek before walking away. I sighed in defeat, sinking into the couch and looking over to my brother. This was just all too much.


"Bye mom! I'll be back before you know it and I'll tell you all about it" I told, hugging her briefly
"Alright" she spoke
"Bye Anthony, bye David!" I waved, running down the stairs to meet my dad where he was already in the car.
"You got everything?" My dad asked quietly. I nodded my head, not having the words to reply. My dad never gets this upset, and it's making me even more sad to see him in pain.
"Alright just call me if you need anything, I love you" he ordered
"Love you to" I shouted, running over to my friend. Me and my friends decided on going to see a movie together, and they had picked a movie but wouldn't tell me what it was.
We got our popcorn and our candy, going to sit in the back row , which in my opinion is the perfect view. I chewed quietly on my food, trying desperately to get the thoughts out of my mind of my mom and to have fun for the night like she told me to. But I just couldn't.
"Hey, Y/N/N, you alright?" Brendan called out to me, causing the other 4 heads to turn my way
"Oh yeah! I'm fine, this popcorn is just so good I got distracted" I faked a laugh, but everyone seemed to believe it. I always cracked jokes like that, so they probably figured nothing was wrong. Little did they know...
The previews had just ended, and I watched as a group of boys made their way to the back row, sitting beside our group. There were four of them, all brown headed except for a blond one. The blond one took a seat next to me, adjusting himself in his seat before grabbing his popcorn, turning to grin at me.
"Hello love" his deep accept rang into my ears, and I gave a small smile back
"Hello" I smiled, noticing how blue his eyes were, and how cute his face was. His featured fit well together, he was incredibly handsome. I broke the gaze, turning to look at my phone to see my dad texted me
Don't worry about mom. Have fun, love you
I replied quickly, sighing rather loudly as I sat back in my seat, watching the movie start. I felt a tap to my shoulder and I turned to see the boy, looking at me curiously
"Are you okay?" He questioned, scratching the back of his neck under his SnapBack
"Oh yeah sorry" I muttered, feeling my cheeks heat up, thinking he probably heard me sigh loudly. He leaned forward in his seat, out stretching his hand
"I'm Niall" he sent me a charming smile, and I shook his hand, feeling my friends and his friends eyes trained on both of us.
"Y/N" I grinned, detaching our hands and suddenly my hand lost all its warmth. I looked towards the movie, seeing the movie actually finally start.
We were watching "Miss You Already" (comes out this month I believe, with Drew Barrymore)
I haven't heard about this movie, so I was watching carefully and laughing at the two best friends. Niall and I pointed out funny things during the movie, he would tap my shoulder than comment something or I would hit his hand while laughing and he would join me.
All of the sudden, a sad part came on. It was like they were showing all they're good moments, and now this happened.
The best friend was in the hospital, and she was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I couldn't help it- I started to cry. Silent tears ran down my face, until I saw how much pain she was in. I then let out a sob, and I covered my mouth as I got up. I couldn't take it anymore. As I stood up, Niall grabbed my arm, whispering to me,
"Are you okay?"
I didn't answer, I only shook my head slightly and walked out of the movie. Once out of the door, I walked outside and sat down far away from the entrance, sliding down against the wall and crying into my knees. I sat there for only a few minutes before I felt a hand on my back, and i instantly jumped a little, scared it was a murderer or something of that sort. I sighed in relief when I saw it was Niall, but looked away because I did not want to let him see me like this. I could've had a chance with a boy and I totally ruined it by walking out crying.
I felt him slide down on the wall next to me, rubbing my back softly,
"Hey hey it's alright" he softly spoke. I shook my head once again, starting to get angry that he could tell me this when he didn't even know what was happening
"Y/N, are you okay?" He whispered
"No! No I'm not" I cried out, looking up at him. He looked taken back by my sudden outburst, and he shifted, sitting cross legged and facing me.
"Do you want to talk about it? It could help you feel better.." He drifted off, looking out into the dark. The only source of light came from stores that were still open at 8 at night.
I leaned my head back against the wall, letting out a huff as I wiped away the tears falling down my cheeks.
"I barely know you, I can't tell you. You could tell someone else" I told
"I promise not to tell a soul. Look, I might've just met you an hour ago, but you seem like a very sweet girl. You're beautiful, and beautiful girls shouldn't be crying" he admitted, his bright blue eyes looking into mine. Despite my current crying state, I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Pinky promise?" I whispered hoarsely. He nodded his head quickly, sticking out his pinky. I wrapped mine around his, biting my lip before telling him the truth
"My mom has breast cancer" I started,
"And she told me just before I came here. I didn't know this movie would talk about it..I didn't like seeing that girl in pain. My mom is gonna be like that. I don't want to see her in pain" I started to tear up once again, and I felt his arms wrap around my, one of his hands bringing my head down to rest on his shoulder. Despite him being a stranger, I wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him tight as I sniffled away from his neck.
"I'm so sorry" he spoke, sounding gutted himself.
"It's okay, it's not like it was your fault" I choked out, unraveling my arms from his body to sit back. He stared at me worryingly, as I just looked to the ground.
"You know, she's gonna be okay
Y/N" he said, reaching his hand out to touch my shoulder in a caring manner
"But how do you know that?" I whispered
"Because she has so many people that care for her. She's going to make it through this for you and your family. She loves you and she's not going down without a fight" he explained. I nodded my head in reply, still not meeting his eyes.
"Thank you" I let out a small smile, standing up into my feet, Niall following suit.
"I was only speaking the truth" he replied
"You didn't have to come outside to get me and bring me back in" I noted, biting my lip as my fingers played with each other in back of me. I rocked back and forth on my heels, suddenly getting shy and nervous around Niall
"Of course I did. I was just about to try and start to win over a beautiful girl, but she walked out crying" he spoke with confidence
"And who said we were going back in?" He smirked, grabbing my hand
"What are you doing?" I asked, catching up to him as he walked out of the parking lot, swinging our interlocked hands together.
"Making you forget for a few hours"
So Niall had decided to walk with me the few blocks to the local ice skating rink. I didn't even think it was cold enough for this, only being the middle of November but I joined him anyways. We were currently sitting down, putting our ice skates on. My hands were freezing, leaving me to have some difficulty with tiring my laces
"Need some help?" Niall questioned from next to me, standing up and squatting down in front of me.
"If you wouldn't mind, my hands are freezing" I spoke with a shiver, bringing my hands up to my face to blow warm air onto them. He knelt on one knee, placing the skate on the leg as he tied my skate.
"This is like a real princess moment for me" I giggled, and Niall face broke out into a grin
"You could be my princess" he said aloud, and I couldn't help but blush at his words.
"Alright, Princess" he smirked at the nickname, helping to lift me up. We both walked to the rink and I instantly grabbed the rail. Niall chuckled at my actions, placing both hands on my waist and prying me from the wall
"Now I'm not a good skater myself, but I'll help you" he offered, taking my hand in his as he led me around. We both laughed hard at both our failed attempts to skate. With the amount of times Niall fell and the curse words I shouted, it was an interesting time.
"Thank you for that" I smiled brightly as we both walked out of the place
"It was not a problem" he smiled. I looked up to him, seeing his blue eyes light up with happiness. His freckled cheeks and nose and neck, along with his hair that stuck out from underneath his beanie. My face slowly turned into a frown, as I realized that my time with him was now over
"It's over now, huh?" I questioned. Niall did a double take before giggling.
"I was hoping we could go for a hot chocolate and maybe a walk in the park?" He hoped, playing with my fingers.
"Sounds like a deal" I smiled, walking with Niall to the closest Starbucks to get our warm drinks.
Once ordered, we walked slowly through the park, getting to know each other more and more.
"Hey, why were you even in that movie anyways?" I giggled, watching him roll his eyes in annoyance. By now we had finished and threw away our cups of hot chocolate, getting colder by the minute outside.
"Cause my stupid mate Liam wanted to see it so bad. Harry took his side so we went" he confessed. I laughed out loud, shaking my head slightly.
"Well I'm glad you did go" I admitted, rubbing my thumb in circles on his hand.
"Yeah, me too" he told, looking down to our hands. I looked down as well, and when I looked back up, Niall was already staring at my face. I didn't even notice we had stopped walking, I just turned my body slightly towards his
"What?" I asked, just above a whisper. He took a step closer to me allowing my breath to hitch, now we were only a few inches away from each other.
"You have some hot chocolate on the corner of your mouth" he noted, staring from my eyes to my lips. I licked my lips, trying to get it off and stop the embarrassment
"Gone?" I asked. He shook his head no, and suddenly crashed his lips onto mine. It took me a second to respond, wrapping my arms around his neck while his rested on the small of my back. Our lips moved together slowly and surely, until I pulled away out of breath
"Got it" he breathed, resting his forehead on mine. I laughed softly as did Niall, his eyes crinkling in happiness. We both pulled away, reconnecting our hands as we both looked down to the floor, continuing our walk in silence.
Once back to the movies, I realized my dad had been here for about ten minutes waiting. Me and Niall walked through the back entrance, and said our goodbyes a little further away from the crowds. We exchanged numbers and he placed a peck to my cheek, and wow did my day do a total 360. Boy did I have some explaining to do to my friends. But who cares? Niall could be my angel to get me through this time. Cause after all, he made me forget for the night💕

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