Story time(Niall)

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"Dinner time !" You called. They all came running into the dinning room and sat down at the table. This was a typical Italian sunday for your family, having sunday dinner together. Your 5 kids, along with your 16 grandchildren all piled up at the table. You and Niall sat at the top, next to each other. Your kids sat vertical to eachother down the table, then your grand kids. Your grand kids ranged from 31-6, so there was some love shown within the older ones and smaller ones. Once the pasta went all around the table, you all began to converse, you and Niall talking about how you needed a bigger table. Suddenly a small cheeky voice broke everyone's laughter,

"GUYS!" Your 10 year old grand child, Molly, cried from the end of the table. There were many looks of confusion and yes's said back, so she continued.

"I want to know how Grandma and Grandpa met!" She stated happily.

A few of the older kids chuckled, along with the aunts and uncles. You and Niall laughed at this, as you began the story.

"Well, that's a long, happy story. But I guess we got time." You said with a laugh. Everyone sat back in their seats, the younger ones watching with wide eyes. You began,

"Well, Once upon a time, there was a young girl, around the age 18, named Y/N. she loved, absolutely loved this one band, named One Direction. They were her life. She loved them with all of her heart, but they didnt know her. She knew all of their songs by heart, watched all their videos, but never met them or went to a concert. That all changed one year, when she got one direction tickets from Santa! She was screaming with joy and everything, and couldn't wait to see them." You paused for a moment, to look over to Niall, who was grinning brightly at you.

"When that day came, she put on her best outfit, and tried to make herself look all pretty. She had to meet them, or get their attention somehow. Her and her best friend went to the concert, and were having the best night of their lives. When the boys did their twitter questions, she asked a question right away, which was for them to come over to her section, bring her on stage, and dance with her. She was so nervous and anxious, hoping that they would just pick her tweet. And when she was almost about to give up, the last question popped up, and her name was read aloud throughout the stadium. She grinned widely, as one of the boys, Harry, read the tweet out loud. When he finished, Grandpa Niall over here jumped to the offer, and ran to my section. Of course some fans mobbed him, but security helped him through. He came to my section and looked around, asking who the tweet came from. I shyly raised my hand, almost believing that this is not happening. He stretched out his hand for me, which I happily took, and we both ran to the stage. He told the band to play a slow song, and so they played a very old song called Kiss Me, by Ed Sheeran. I put my arms around his neck, as he put his around my waist, and we swayed to the music. I remember smiling so big at that moment, not wanting it to end. Two other boys, Louis and Liam, were slow dancing on the other side of us, while the other two, Harry and Zayn sang the song. Niall was looking down at me, with loving eyes, and he just whispered in my ear, that he knew picking that question was the right choice. He was also asking me what my name was, how old i was, just small first meeting talk.And then, in front of millions of fans, he kissed me. It wasn't just a plain old kiss though, it was magical.And from then on, we were inseparable" you finished, squeezing Nialls hand tight. All of your grandchildren clapped and awwed and for some reason screamed.

"Your grandma was a beauty, let me tell you. I knew right when she took my hand to go on stage, she was the one. We were meant to be." Niall smiled. You smiled back at him as you both leaned in for a quick kiss.

"NO PDA AT THE TABLE. SMALL CHILDREN" your 23 year old grandchild laughed.

"Then you made auntie lauren!" Shouted Cecelia who flung her pasta everywhere as she rose her fork up in the air
"And my dad!"
"And my mom!"
"My dad too!"
"And our dad!"

"That came a lot after" Niall chuckled, rubbing my hand softly with his fingertips.
"What was your first date like?" Your 16 year old niece, Isabella (hey yo that's me) asked.
You looked to Niall, laughing softly and watching his face light up
"I took her to a soccer match" he smirked proudly. He got a chorus of "oh really"s and "ugh why"s
"Hey hey that wasn't it!" He calmed everyone down, as they all turned to look back at us.
"I drove her to a lake, where there was no one in sight. We had a picnic dinner than went swimming at night, then built a fire and slept outside by it" you teared up at the memory, something you will never forget. It was such a long time ago, and now you have all these amazing kids and grandkids sitting in front of you.
"That's adorable" your 47 year old daughter cried out.
"Where can I get a guy like that?" Your 18 year old niece whined
"No boys until your 30 miss" your son, and her dad warned, making her roll her eyes but smile. Niall tapped your shoulder as you watched everyone go into separate conversations, making you turn your attention to him
"My love for you hasn't changed since, and it won't for as long as I live. I love you princess" he whispered, looking you in the eyes. You smiled softly, eyes tearing up with his cuteness that is still there at the age of 78 and kissed him lightly, him knowing you felt the same exact way.
You were lucky to have such an amazing family.

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