Everybody in Love

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This is one of my personal favorites.

"WE INGITE THE SKY, CMON AND GET IT, A BILLION LIGHTS TONIGHT, CMON AND GET IT" you shouted along with the 70,000 people around you in the stadium. You would be lying if you said that you weren't going completely crazy with your friends, dancing to the live music in the concert. This was the JLS goodbye tour and you were hear to have the most fun you could possibly have and remember this moment because one of your favorite bands was coming to an end.
"FLASHING IN YOUR EYES, CMON AND GET IT,A SPARK MIGHT START A FIRE" you screamed, turning to your friend. Your smile slowly drifted away however. You knew it was kinda the wrong idea to let your best friend bring her boyfriend, because they've been completely ignoring you the whole time. It's been like 10 songs already and they act like I'm invisible.

You sighed however, putting a smile on your face as the song ended and Marvin announced
"This is one of our well known singles as well, this is Everybody in Love"

You squealed in happiness as the intro came on,
"Everybody in love, go on put your hands up" you watched as almost everyone in the stadium put their hands up, signaling they were in love.
"Everybody in love, go on put your hands up" you turned to your best friend and boyfriend, who had their hands up as well.
"Everybody in love, go on put your hands up" you threw your hands up, just because you love life. I mean that's enough. Love your life.

"If you're in love, put your hands up" your best friend pulled on her boyfriend and they stumbled back into you, sending you crashing into the person behind you.

"You know you need someone,
When the need's so strong" you turned to the person, seeing a boy about the age of 20. Blonde hair, bright blue eyes, freckles splashed over the side of his face. He was really cute, non the less.
"I'm so sorry" you shouted over the screams, as you lowered your hands down from the sky

"When they're gone you don't know how to go on,
So the whole world is stuck in a moment
Standing still until they come back"

"It's okay!" He yelled back, a smile etching onto his face
"So what were your hands up for? I don't want to think that you and your friend over there love that same guy" he chuckled, and I laughed along as well

"You accept that they've, got things to do,But sometimes in the end there's nothing left for you,
If hurt is missing your baby,
I've done too much of it lately"

"No no, I just love my life is all" you explained
"Ah so no boyfriend?" He asked. You shook your head no, turning to see JLS on stage doing the dance routine for the song
"Why weren't your hands up?" You questioned
"Don't have any one to love, I suppose" he shrugged
"Not true. It doesn't necessarily mean a girlfriend. It could mean a mom, dad, sibling, life, food..anything" you laughed. You watched his eyebrows furrow as he nodded, trying to take in what you just said.

"Every minutes like an hour,
Every hours like a day,
Every day lasts forever,
But what else am i gonna do,
I'd wait forever and a day for you,
I wait up, wait up" you turned your head to see the boy discretely doing the dance moves along with them as well, and you giggled softly
"I'm Y/N" you introduced, reaching your hand out for him to shake
"Niall" he grinned, shaking your hand.
You smirked at him as you started to do the dance moves as well, without even looking at them on stage. You...well you kinda memorized them. Niall laughed at you, joining in so that you both were doing the dance routine

"I can't eat, I can't sleep, what else could it be,
missing you so deep,
long as I'm where you're going to,
I'd wait forever and a day for you,
I wait up, wait up for you" you and Niall sang as you danced, and you both couldn't stop laughing. You looked over to see who he was with, seeing him as well with a boy and a girl, sucking each other's faces off

"And even when we mad, and say we're through,
Deep inside you feel the same way i do, Might as well turn around and just end this,Cause it's harder trying to stay mad"
"Ah you too?" You teased, pointing to the couple. He rolled his eyes and giggled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"That's alright. Now I can finally have fun" he smiled, his face a few inches from yours. You looked at his face closely, inspecting every bit of him until he pulled away.

"I could tell you that you can't stay here, Knowing just as soon as you disappear, That I'll be missing you baby,Soon as you get up and you walk away"
Niall suddenly grabbed my hand, twirling me around. He held me close into his body as we swayed to the music, and I grabbed both of his hands as we stayed close together

"Every minutes like an hour,
Every hours like a day,
Every day lasts forever,
But what else am i gonna do,
I'd wait forever and a day for you,
I wait up, wait up" you both danced freely, showing off your horrible, horrible dance moves. Though why care, it's not like people's attention were on you. You were on the top of the stadium, no one would see you all the way up here in the dark.

"I can't eat, I can't sleep, what else could it be,
missing you so deep,
long as I'm where you're going to,
I'd wait forever and a day for you,
I wait up, wait up for you" you both screamed, and neither one of you could wipe the smiles off your face. This was the most fun you've had in a while, all thanks to Niall.

"Everybody in love, go on put your hands up" you immediately threw your hands in the air, because you indeed do love your life. You smirked over at Niall, waiting for his hands to go up as well.
"Everybody in love, go on put your hands up" he bit his lip while looking at you, watching you as you swayed your hips to the beat.
"Everybody in love, go on put your hands up" you watched him as well, waiting to see his actions
"If you're in love, put your hands up" his hands slowly rose up, and a grin broke out onto your face

You turned back around to look at JLS, watching them finish the song. Peoples hands stayed up however, swaying to the beat. You and Niall's did the same, moving along with the others.

"Every minutes like an hour,
Every hours like a day,
Every day lasts forever,
But what else am i gonna do,
I'd wait forever and a day for you,
I wait up, wait up, I can't eat, I can't sleep, what else could it be,
missing you so deep, long as I'm where you're going to,
I'd wait forever and a day for you,
I wait up, wait up for you" they finished, and you screamed and clapped along with the crowd as Aston started to talk; the other boys grabbing a drink of water.
"So what'd you find that you were in love with?" You turned to Niall, still smiling wide. Your fingers played with the hem of your maroon cotton dress, watching a smile overtake his features

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