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Dan had convinced me to come to their concert tonight. I usually didn't go since I always was backstage and I never did anything. The only way I really wanted to enjoy concerts from now on was from the crowd and not from backstage. Definitely not something a normal person would say, but I mean I've been to about every concert of theirs. Mostly calming Dan down, but still.

And calming him down was my job once again.

"You've played here before, it's not scary at all," I replied, taking his hands and just rubbing circles with my thumb on the top of his hand, something I did for every show.

He sighed, "I know, but I haven't played in a while..."

"I'll be out there if you get scared just look over and just imagine I'm the only one," I said.

Dan nodded, giving me a hug before grabbing his mic and going out on stage.

I smiled, I always loved it whenever the crowd broke into cheers when they saw the guys. They've made it so far and it made me so happy, even though I wasn't in the band. I sure felt like a mom, though.

I made my way back into the crowd, finding my way to the front of the stage, humming along with Bad Blood. I always love their music, though most the lyrics were morbid, it didn't really matter. Thankfully, throughout the performance Dan only looked toward me once before I just mouthed 'breathe'.

Once the concert was over, I walked backstage giving each of the guys hugs and saying how good they did.

"See, you didn't die!" I called whenever I saw Dan.

He just gave a small laugh before giving me a sweaty hug that only caused me to push him away.

I gave him a smile, "Yeah, you're better when you're not sweaty..."

Kyle gave a cat call from behind us, "DATE!"

Dan glared at him before flicking him off that only caused Kyle to laugh and turn away.

"But seriously, let us meet some people," Woody said, pushing Dan forward.

The guys went out to meet a couple fans and I stayed behind. That is until Kyle came back in to grab me.

"This 13-year-old is asking for you," Kyle said, a slight smile on his lips.

I frowned, "Me?"

He nodded, taking me outside and walking me to the girl who's eye lit up when she saw me. I couldn't help but smile.

"...Hi..." She said weakly, her voice shaking a bit.

I smiled again, "Hi, how are you?"

She smiled, "I'm good. Especially now that I get to meet you and my favorite band!"

I grinned, though I never got these, I treasured them. I was quite the competitor in England and around Europe and I did get a few fans of my riding meet me.

The girl was holding her phone out, trying to get her words out but couldn't.

Kyle put his hand on her phone, the girl looking up and nodded her head, letting Kyle take her phone and hold it up for a picture.

I put my arm around her shoulder, smiling brightly into the camera, the girl grinning from ear to ear.

Once Kyle took the picture he gave the girl her phone back before rushing off to where Dan was since he called him over. I turned to the girl and we had quite the solid conversation and before she left I wanted to be as nice as possible and call everyone over to get a picture. I took the picture with the girl and the rest of the guys, the girl asking if they could sign her jacket, which was a jean jacket like the one Dan owned.

Once we said our goodbyes to everyone someone stopped Dan, I thought nothing of it, that was before I heard flirtatious words.

Being the person I was I couldn't help but laugh a little, I always found it funny whenever someone flirted with Dan. It threw me off whenever Kyle said to move, though...

I turned around and saw an obviously underaged girl flirting with Dan, his face all flushed and red. But Kyle's attempts to move Dan wasn't working. The girl was very determined to get Dan's full attention.

I never barged in, but this was ridiculous. "Alright, that's enough," I said to the girl, pushing her back a bit and allowing Kyle and Dan go back inside.

She glared at me, "it's not like you're his girlfriend or anything..."

"Yeah, but you're obviously not getting his attention. Plus you're like 12."

She coughed, "I'm 16 for your information."

I rolled my eyes, "talk to me when you know more than Pompeii and one band member." I could hear her scoff and start 'naming' more than one song. She was failing miserably. As well as trying to name Woody, Will, and Kyle.


We all decided to go out and have a few drinks, something I think we all needed. It was all good until I started thinking. And it wasn't good when I started thinking. I realized that I felt the tiniest bit of jealousy when that girl flirted with Dan.

What the fuck... I thought to myself, I didn't like Dan. Right?

Even once we were in the bar I kept thinking, questioning every feeling I got. And slowing getting anxiety, something that I was quite familiar with and often got.

Everyone else was having a good time joking around, and having fun. I would laugh here and there, but I was completely lost in my thoughts, worrying about what might happen to our relationship in the future. I knew Dan could tell.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side, "are you alright? Do you need to go home?" He asked a look of genuine concern in his eyes.

I shook my head, "it's been a long week."

Dan frowned, not buying my excuse. "We're going home."

"No, come on. I can take a cab home."

"Nope," Dan said, telling the guys we were leaving.

I didn't argue with him, following him back to the venue and getting in Dan's car. The entire ride to his house was silent, only causing me to feel more awkward.

Once inside Dan's flat he put in a movie, tossing me a bag of chips and a blanket. I couldn't help but smile. Whenever he knew I wasn't feeling good or my anxiety was coming he always drove me to his place and let me stay the night since he knew I felt at ease whenever it was just us.

Perks of having a friend for 16 years.

But it honestly wasn't helping me, I kept over thinking the situation and Dan could tell.

"Alright, what's going on?" He asked, pausing the movie and turning towards me. "You were fine before..."

I sighed, "nothing, I told you it's been a long week and work hasn't been the nicest. Not to mention I'm really worried Hugo might hurt himself again."

"Look, he'll be fine. Trust me. He's in your hands and you're great with him." Dan said.

I chuckled, "exactly why I'm worried..."

He groaned, "stop that!"

"Can I just sleep?" I asked him softly.

Dan stayed quiet for a little before handing over the blanket and letting me leave towards the guest bedroom. I fell on the bed, crawling under the covers and just closed my eyes. And of course in no time, I heard Dan working on new music, which honestly helped me fall asleep.


I don't believe that I actually wrote this in a day. That's a record! Hope you enjoy?
- lots of love, Vanina

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