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All was well when I landed, I was able to quickly get my rental car as well as my luggage which lets me get out of the airport much faster than I thought. I had just arrived at my "hotel" which turned out to be some guys flat that for some reason was on several hotel websites. I didn't really overthink it, I just went inside and checked in, but sadly that didn't happen since my room wasn't going to be ready until 6 PM.

I sighed, not wanted to argue, I was too tired and I had a horse to ride anyway. I left the hotel, leaving for the barn. Luckily, the owner of my barn in London also owned a barn in Wellington, Florida so that meant we didn't have to pay for stalls at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre.

I was about 5 minutes from the barn when I got a call from Dan, "How are you?" I asked with a smile when I answered.

"I'm good, but how are you? How was your flight?" He asked.

I shrugged, taking a left turn for the barn. "Alright, I'm seeing more problems with the hotel. The damn room won't be ready until 6."

"Aw, that sucks!" Dan said, "Have you been out to see Hugo though?"

"I just pulled up to the barn," I said, putting my rental car in park. "I'll call you tomorrow?"

"That's fine, love you," Dan said softly.

I grinned, "Love you too," I replied before hanging up and heading to the barn.

Once inside, I was able to find Hugo as well as all my stuff next to his stall. I was opening my tack trunk to get my clothes when I heard someone's voice from down the hall.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, looking up from my tack trunk to see a boy standing in the isle with his horse.

He gave me a slight nod, "Yeah, Tracey said to look for a girl named Mia to teach my lesson for me."

It finally clicked. The owner of the barn, Tracey, said I'd be training a new guy while in Florida. "Yup! I'll be out there in a couple minutes, just go in the outdoor and start warming up."

He nodded, giving me a kind smile before turning around and leading his dark horse outside. I grabbed my clothes and walked into the lounge, heading to the bathroom and quickly changing. I didn't bother to put my boots on yet since I knew I'd get blisters by the time I was able to ride. Quickly tying my red hair into a ponytail, I left the bathroom and went to the outdoor arena, which faced the road but large trees gave the barn much privacy.


The lesson with the new kid, who's name is Luke, went really well! He was showing here for the last time here before moving up to London with us when we left, and he was doing a great job in the 3'6" hunters. I was able to ride Hugo, having James set up a few jumps for me and letting my large horse stretch his legs out. Thankfully, as I was just mopping in the lounge with James, the guy who owned the "hotel" called me, saying that my room was ready.

I said a quick goodbye to James before heading out to my car, glancing behind me to get a good look at the barn. The barn was your average Florida barn, stone walls with mahogany stalls that gave the barn a warm feeling. The place was absolutely gorgeous, the jumping arena filled with colorful jumps, the trees blocking any view of the arena or the road.

When I was at the "hotel" I got my bags and headed up to my room, quickly finding it was close to the elevators. I slid my card key in the slot, opening the door and finding a small flat like room. I left my bags in my room, flopping on the bed and staring at the blank ceiling. Not surprisingly, I was quick to fall asleep.


When I woke up I praised myself for going to sleep at around 6 since I was waking up at 5 to get the horses to the show. 

I got dressed in my joggers, which were actually Dan's but they were so soft I had to take them. Not to mention it's pretty much inevitable to steal his joggers. I slipped on a t-shirt, grabbing my phone and heading to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and put my contacts in. Once I was all dressed I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, stepping into the elevator and clicking the button for the lobby.

I was able to get to the Equestrian Centre in about 15 minutes, finding a parking spot near the barn. Getting out of the car, I quickly jogged into the barn, seeing a few girls getting their horses ready for the show. I wasn't riding until around 7 tonight, but I did have about 5 or 6 horses to exercise since they weren't being shown or ridden until later this week. I grabbed my clothes from my tack trunk when my phone began ringing, without surprise Dan's contact picture popped up.

"How are you?" He asked quietly, his voice sounding like he just woke up.

"Pretty good," I said, looking around the barn aisle to see James getting his horse ready. "Kinda nervous about this show."

He chuckled, "Don't be, you'll do great! Hugo knows what he's doing and so do you."

I smiled at his encouragement, "Why thank you!"

"If I know anything, I know that my girlfriend can somehow control a horse ten times her size."

I laughed, "I wondered that too..."

We talked for a little while more, Dan updating me on the pets and whatever he's got going on back at home. When we hung up, I met Luke in the warm up ring, setting up a few jumps to 3'6" for him to jump. I taught a small lesson for James before getting my clothes and heading to the bathroom to change, swapping my joggers and t-shirt for a black and white cooling shirt and white riding pants, including my boots and spurs. The first horse I exercised was some girls new horse who was such a handful I had to just have him run around on a lung to just cool him down. Second, third, and fourth weren't bad, just a quick trot and canter, maybe pop over a few fences.

The rest of the day was spent braiding horses manes and tails for some girls who were busy showing their other horses. But by the time I had to get ready I dropped everything and got Hugo ready, I jumped up into my saddle, Luke by my side telling me the course. He was really sweet! Everything I said to him when I was teaching, he took very seriously and would always ask questions if he was confused.


It honestly felt like the longest day ever, riding almost every horse from the barn before finally enjoying a ride on Hugo. We placed first in the 1.30, earning us our first ribbon from the U.S. which would look pretty odd compared the different placing colors from the states to Britain. I was able to head back to the hotel at around 11:30, completely exhausted from today, and I still have a month left.


Ugh, updating is so bad and I cannot apologize any more than I already have. School's been a pain in the ass and not to mention I have to work with my horse since we're getting him back in shape (off for 5 months). But anyway, like usual, I hope you enjoy this chapter! P.S. we're getting so close to the end, oh my!

- Lots of love, Vanina

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