Shut Up

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"Do you mind if I stopped by my parents' place?" Dan asked when I got inside his car.

I nodded, "Yeah that's fine, I haven't seen your lovely mom in a while." I replied with a smile.

He let out a breathy laugh, "She does like you, though..."

I flipped my hair back, "Who doesn't like me, Dan?" I said with a sassy tone.

He rolled his eyes, "Alright Queen Mia." Dan said sarcastically.

It wasn't long before we were at Dan's parents' place, giving the door a knock before being greeted by his mom.

"Oh, Mia! It's nice to finally see you!" She said, giving me a big hug.

I grinned, giving her a hug back. "You too."

She glanced at Dan before saying, "A little birdie told me you two were a couple now...?"

I looked over at Dan, 100 different shades of red showing up on his cheeks. I gave him a nudge, "You should blame that band of yours."

He laughed, snapping out of his gaze, "Probably Kyle."

His mom nodded, "Quite the guy, isn't he?"

"You have no idea," I said, rolling my eyes a bit.

Dan's mom sat us down in the living room, giving Dan his black coffee and me my green tea. It was long before Dan's dad showed up, saying a hello before joining us to just talk.

Dan and his mom went off to the kitchen, his dad apologizing before saying goodbye and heading out the door.

I was about to push open the kitchen door when I heard what they were talking about. Or who.

"Why don't you just tell her that you like her?" Dan's mom whispered to him.

He sighed, "Because I'm absolutely terrified she's going to friendzone me," Dan said quietly. "Who starts dating their best friend after 16 years?"

"She won't, trust me. And even if she does, and I highly doubt it, you'll still be friends."

Dan stayed quiet for a bit. Mother's intuition? I was quite shocked, biting the inside of my cheek out of nervousness. It was now a matter of me spilling that I really did like him. I always thought he was handsome, but I never took that as anything. But now that I was talking with Ashleigh, I realized he actually meant a lot to me. And I mean a lot.

I jumped when the door swung open, taking a few steps back before glancing at Dan who was startled by my presence.

He gave me a slight look as if  to say 'I'll talk to you when we leave' sort of thing.

And it wasn't long until we left, Dan and I said our goodbyes before grabbing our coats and heading out the door. Once inside the car, Dan was just staring out the window. Ever since I heard him talk with his mom he's been really distant, taking a while to realize what we were talking about, or even responding to his name.

"Dan," I began, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Just tell me what's up."

When I touched his shoulder his cheeks turned red. Dan pursed his lips before turning towards me. "You heard everything didn't you?"

I let out a sigh, glancing at my lap, pulling my hand back. "Yeah."

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, I really hope I don't ruin our friendship, and I've been meaning to tell you that, but I never had the guts and now I'm absolutely terrified of what might happen n-"

I blatantly kissed him to shut up.

He was completely shocked by it, but after a second Dan relaxed, a hand coming up to cup my cheek.

I pulled back, smiling a bit, "You need to learn how to shut up."

Dan gave me a slight smile, "Sorry..."

"Now, don't say anything to the guys or anyone else, okay?" I asked softly.

He smirked, "So, secretly dating?"

I cocked my head, "Hmm, maybe. If you're an acceptable date first."

"I hope I am..." Dan said with a smile before putting the key in the ignition.


Finally, am I right?! Thought it was about time they both realized they liked each other. Also, thank you so much for almost 600 reads! :D

- Lots of love, Vanina

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