Not Letting Go

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It's been a couple months since I moved to Toronto, everything has been great! The interior design business was great, Ashleigh and I are able to go back and forth between Toronto and New York a lot easier now. The animals are great as well,  Hugo and London settled just fine, Hugo and I have already gone down to New York for the Hampton classic, placing really well in a couple Grands Prix. As for London, I since have changed his disciple from jumpers to Hunter/Jumper, just to get some exposure to what is normally ridden in America since I'll be on their circuit with London. As for Dan and I, we since have decided to split up, which has turned out pretty bad. We haven't talked in weeks, the rest of the band acting as a communication device for us.

I quickly snapped back to reality when I heard the chimes of the office door ring, "I'll be with you in a second!" I called back, lowering the music I was playing through the office space.

"You broke up with him, but you're still listening to his music," Called an awfully familiar voice.

My eyebrows drew together at the comment, making me close my computer and spin my chair around. I was greeted by Kyle, standing at the doors, smiling like an idiot. "Holy shit!" I yelled, jumping out of my seat and hugging Kyle, knocking the wind out of him a little.

Kyle just laughed, hugging me back just as tightly, ever since Dan and I broke up Kyle's been a lot like a brother to me. He's been talking to Dan about the whole thing since it's mostly him who's being the stubborn bastard who won't talk to me. "But how have you been?" Kyle asked me, the question being asked more towards me after the break-up.

I shrugged, "Alright, could be better," I said with a small laugh.

Kyle sighed, "Okay, how about we get going since there are three guys down the street waiting to see you," He said with a smile, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I laughed, "Lead the way," I said, extending my arm in front of me.

Kyle leads the way to a small cafe down the street where Will, Charlie, and Woody were sat outside, getting very excited when they saw Kyle and I walk towards them. We took a seat at the table, Kyle orders a tea while I got a coffee.

"So are you coming to the concert this weekend?" Charlie asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

I frowned, "No...?" I replied, my eyebrow raising as I glanced at Kyle, giving him a look as if he was supposed to tell me something.

"Oh, yeah," Kyle said, giving me a nervous laugh, "We wanted to know if you wanted to come to the concert in New York?"

"I'd love to, but Dan," I said.

Will waved a hand dismissively as my concern, "We'll make up some lie," He said with a small laugh.

Kyle was quick to chime in, "Why don't we tell him we're taking Ashleigh? He knows that we're taking one of you guys, one of us can stay with you on the drive over." Kyle mentioned, glancing at the other guys and myself for any other suggestions.

I shrugged, also looking at the guys, "Sounds good to me, maybe it'll finally force the bastard to talk to me," I said with an eye roll. I was honestly so tired of him, he wasn't responding to any of my texts or calls, leaving me to often leave a message, which at the most was just asking how he was doing and such. He didn't even call me back to say 'thank you' when I congratulated him on the album.

Everyone else nodded, agreeing with Kyle's idea. The rest of our lunch was just spent chatting until about two o'clock before we said our goodbyes and I was bound back to my office. I was able to quickly finish up what I was working on, moving back any appointments for next week and giving a couple clients calls to inform them.

I was able to head back home around six o'clock, grabbing my keys to my Volkswagen and heading out the door, taking my time to get back to the flat since I really wanted to listen to music. Once I got home the second I opened the door Ashleigh jumped up from the couch screaming of the sorts that Dan called.

I punched her arm in order for her to calm down, "English this time!" I said, frowning at my far too excited friend.

"Dan called, he asked if I want to come down to New York for their concert," She said slowly this time.

I shook my head, "Too late, Kyle is already taking me."

"Dammit," She said, flopping back down on the couch.


The rest of the week was really slow, each day dragging by, but thankfully I was able to see the guys every day. It was around four in the morning when Kyle called me, quietly asking to open the door since we had to leave in 30 minutes. I rubbed my eyes before getting up and quietly made my way across the flat to the front door, opening it up for Kyle. "If you can, take that cooler there and start filling it with ice and drinks," I said, pointing towards the small cooler on the counter.

Kyle gave a nod and turned to do what I asked him as I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I was out and dressed, I came back to the kitchen to find Kyle practically half sleep on the couch, but he quickly jumped up when he saw me, "Are we leaving soon?" He asked softly.

I nodded, grabbing the cooler and a small duffle bag I had for the weekend before heading out to the car with Kyle at my heels. Much of the drive to New York was spent chatting, lower the music and just talking about whatever subject that came up, which was nice since I barely got to talk to him nowadays. The drive itself took about eight hours, Kyle and I arrive at around noon, which allowed him to check into the hotel and get to the venue to smuggle me into his dressing room before the buses came.

"They should be here in about twenty minutes, according to Will," Kyle said, "Are you going to be alright in here?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, you go and make sure Dan avoids your room," I mentioned to him. Kyle gave me a nod before leaving me in the room, making me avert my attention to my phone for a couple minutes.

It felt like forever until the guys had everything out and I was able to hear their sound check going on the stage, I often even found myself singing along for a little before Dan or someone else stopped to make changes. It was about thirty minutes later when I heard a knock on the door and a familiar voice, "Hey, Kyle do you-" Dan stopped mid-sentence when he opened the door and saw me, "Hey..." He said quietly, his voice completely changing.

"Hey," I said with a forced smile, "Look, we need to talk," I began, right away getting into business.

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "I know, do you want to talk outside?" Dan asked softly.

I nodded, following him out of the building and towards a private little area of the lot, "Look, I don't know what's up with you, but why the hell aren't you answering my calls?" I asked, keeping my voice down so we both wouldn't end up yelling, unlike last time.

He took a deep breath in, "I don't know, I felt like if I avoided your calls and texts we would somehow be okay. But I am really sorry."

"Well, what do you want to do from here?" I asked, "I know we probably shouldn't date again, but-"

"Would you mind if we tried again?" Dan said, his voice so quiet I barely heard him.

I gave out a huff, "Dan, I honestly have no idea..."

"Look, I know we can just be friends and all that but I still like you," He said.

"I realize that, but this distance thing fucking sucks, Dan. Skype calls and face timing does absolutely nothing to help," I said, choking a bit on my words. God dammit Mia, don't you dare cry.

Dan gave me a nod, "I know it does, I really do, but can you at least think about it?" He asked.

I nodded, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around him in a hug. It took him a second to realize what was happening, but the second he knew he hugged me tightly, not letting me go.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you thought about it since I'm kinda happy with it :) p.s. I apologize if I ruined everyone's ship lmao

- Lots of love, Vanina

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