Meeting The Trainer

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When I woke up, it was around 11:30, which scared me a little since I'm supposed to meet the twins at the barn today. I got up from the bed, rubbing my eyes before leaving Dan's guest bedroom and heading to the kitchen.

A large smile grew on my face when I could smell pancakes. "Oh, you know me so well."

Dan looked up from the pancake he was eating, giving me a small smile.

I was getting myself one when Dan began with the questions, something he always did whenever I wasn't feeling good the night or day before.

"Are you okay about last night...?" He asked softly, obviously trying not to push the subject.

I never really liked talking about my anxiety, though it wasn't super bad, I just never liked talking about it. "Yeah, I just needed a good night's sleep." Lies Mia, lies.

"You're not lying are you?" Dan asked, knowing that I was, but still being careful.

I nodded, turning around and leaned against the counter. "I swear I'm fine, I just started over-thinking things and stressed myself out."

He seemed to buy that excuse because Dan just gave me a small nod before taking a drink of his coffee.

As I ate my breakfast in silence, Dan was just on his phone while I finished the pancake and the coffee that I got.

"Are you going anywhere today?" Dan asked when I went to wash my dishes.

"Yeah, I have a lesson with the new trainers."

He couldn't help but laugh. "You mean the ones you and Ashleigh find attractive?"

"For crying out loud, Dan. I don't like them. Ashleigh does." I said, trying so hard not to laugh at myself.

Dan raised his hands in surrender, "Alright... just tell me when you fall in love with one of them."

I scoffed. "For your information, I don't fall in love easily!"

Dan just laughed again. "Okay... whatever you say, Mia Foster."

"Bastard," I murmured.

"I have ears you know that, right?"

I shrugged. "Well that sucks." I replied, laughing a bit.

Dan just shook his head before getting up and grabbing his jacket off a chair. "Do you need a ride?"

"Well, yeah. I'm not walking for like an hour to get home," I replied.

He shook his head again, laughing a bit this time before grabbing his keys and heading out the door. I followed after him, getting in the passengers side and just sitting quietly as Dan drove me home.

Once I was home, I thanked Dan before heading up to my flat and getting dressed in my riding clothes. Which consisted of a sun shirt, tan riding pants, colorful socks, and my Sperry's. I was able to quickly feed the dog and cat, taking Lizzy outside as well

I got to the barn around 1:00, allowing myself 30 minutes to get Hugo nice and ready.

I led him outside to the arena where I saw Olivier waiting patiently for me, setting up a strong 3-foot jump course.

"Hi!" I called, walking into the arena

He turned his attention to me, giving me a warm smile back. "Hi, you're Mia right?"

I nodded, "Yup!"

Olivier set the last poll up before brushing off his hands and walking towards me. "You can hop on and we'll start talking about what you're able to do."

I nodded, walking my tall horse over to the mounting block where I stuck my feet in the stirrups before taking a seat in my saddle and walked Hugo around, letting him stretch his neck and legs.

"So, what level are you at in riding?" Olivier asked.

"Well, we recently started showing more around Europe and in the U.S. in 1.40m classes," I replied.

He nodded, "so do you want me to raise these jumps up?"

"No thanks, Hugo just got back this week and I don't want to push it with him," I replied, giving my grey horse a nice rub on the neck.

Olivier smiled and nodded, "that's always good to hear."

I grinned, "tell me about it! I know some people who go straight back to shows after their horse was lame for like 5 months."

He shook his head, "don't remind me."

We talked for a little bit more before he told me to head out and trot and canter Hugo.

I actually had to get a bit used to him since I haven't ridden him in such a long time. This also made his stride seem a lot bigger than I remembered.

Olivier kept giving me compliments about my positioning as we cantered and trotted around.

It wasn't long before he told me the course, allowing me to start with a strong oxer. Hugo took it about 2 feet bigger, causing me to be a little surprised when landed.


I was really happy with the lesson! Hugo felt great and not to mention Olivier was really nice and always willing to answer any questions that I had.

I untacked Hugo, giving him a peppermint and a kiss on the muzzle for being such a good boy. I tossed on a fly sheet before leading him back to the pasture, letting him play with Ashleigh's horse, Jaymes.

I was about to leave the barn when Olivier stopped me.

"You did great today!" He said a smile on his face.

I grinned, "thank you! It's a pleasure to meet you and train with you."

"Absolutely! I'll see you next week then?" He asked.

I nodded, "yup! But I'll probably be here Monday."

He nodded, "see you then!"


Woo!! 100+ reads! Thank you guys so much! I'd love it even more if you could get some friends or so reading as well. It'll mean a lot to me.

Lots of love, Vanina.

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