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A couple weeks have gone by, every day a drag really. Ashleigh was off to visit her family in Leeds for Christmas and I was moping at home with what could possibly be a cold, flu, or a fever. Either way, I wasn't happy with this.

I would've been all hyped since Dan came back today but I was too tired and sore to move. I barely noticed when my bedroom opened, someone peeking in.

"Mia are you alright?" Dan asked softly, walking to my bedside.

I shrugged, sniffling before burying my head in my pillow.

Dan brushed my hair back so he could see my face, "What do you want?"

"Food would be nice," I managed to let out. Would you look at that, I'm losing my voice too.

He frowned before getting up and heading off to the kitchen, it wasn't long before he came back with soup.

I slowly sat up, taking the bowl and scooping up the soup and slowly eating the chicken that was inside.

Dan sat down on the edge of my bed, placing a hand on my forehead, a frown forming on his face. "I'll be back," He said, getting up and fishing his keys out of his pocket.

When he was gone, I set the soup down, curling up in my blankets and not even realizing I feel asleep.

"Mia, get up," Dan said.

I groaned, glancing up at Dan, who had a glass of water in one hand and a pill in the other. "You're not going to drug me are you?"

He shook his head, "Why the hell would I? Just take this."

I took the pill and a glass of water, popping the small pill in my mouth followed by the water.

"Now get some sleep," He said, placing a kiss on my forehead before leaving my room.


I woke up the weirdest time, it was around 3 and no matter what I did I couldn't go back to sleep. I got out of bed, glancing outside my room to see Dan fast asleep on the couch. I sniffled, getting quite annoyed with my nose. I took a blanket from the closet before placing it over Dan, who was curled up in a ball.

I smiled, taking his glasses off, which were all askew from him lying down. Dan scrunched up his nose and turning around.

I put his glasses on the coffee table before heading off to the bathroom, taking a much-needed shower. Man, I hate being sick.


Dan had been really sweet and took care of me, that was until he also got sick.

I was lying down on my bed, my cat and dog curled up next to me.

Dan flopped down next to me, causing my cat to hiss before jumping off the bed, Lizzy wasn't amused but she stayed still.

"Thanks for getting me sick, Mia," Dan said, poking my shoulder.

I shrugged, "Least I managed to get Kyle to come." As I said that, the door opened with Kyle holding two plates which had sandwiches on them.

"You guys are cute when you're sick," He said, giving each of us a plate.

I rolled my eyes, "You're never going to let it go, are you?"

He smiled, shaking his head. "Not until you two are actually dating."

Dan glared at him, murmuring a 'fuck you' under his breath which was only heard by me.

For the rest of the week, Dan and I had watched just about every episode of Criminal Minds since I finally got him to just sit down and watch it. As for Kyle, he was just sitting in the living room, trying to make the least amount of contact since he didn't want to get sick.

We thankfully got better before Christmas, everyone going out with their families while I was left to just talk with Mom and Dad on Skype. Both my parents had sent over small little gifts, which I loved, as well as my brother. As for Dan, he said he'd tell me later since it was gift for next year. Now I just have to wait.


So sorry for the short chapter! Anyway, I hope you had an awesome New Years! Can't believe it's already 2016, it feels like yesterday was 2006! Hope you have an awesome year and best wishes.

- Lots of love, Vanina

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