No Doubt

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For the next month, I was bouncing between work, friends, and riding, like usual. Thankfully, my choice to move to Toronto hasn't changed, I was really excited for this since I knew I'd still be able to keep in touch with everyone.

Most days were spent packing and getting my flat up for sale, which wasn't too hard since I was selling it for a reasonable price. It was about a week later when I had to leave my flat and move in with Dan for a little while until I left for Toronto.

I had gotten back from the barn around 9:30 PM, having to help Ashleigh since Jaymes was sick and I had to help out.

It was oddly quiet when I got back, having no TV on and barely any lights. I frowned, taking my shoes off before walking towards Dan's room to find him curled in bed with a book in front of him.

I smiled, "Wow, you're such a nerd." I teased, glancing at the familiar cover of the book.

He cracked a smile, finishing the sentence he was reading before looking up at me. "Say's the girl who stayed up till 3 AM just to finish a book."

"Touche, but it was really good and I hated the ending," I said, sitting down on the bed and crossing my legs.

"You always end up reading the book where everyone dies," Dan said, placing a bookmark in his place before closing the book and setting it on the nightstand.

I nodded, "Yeah, that seems to be the running theme in my novels. But it's alright, now I need to finish Witch and Wizard." I said with a smile before leaning back and glancing at Dan.

He just shook his head before grabbing my arm and pulling me down so I was lying down next to him.

I smiled, taking his arms and putting them around me. "Goodnight handsome."


"Aw aren't they cute?" Was the first thing I heard when I woke up.

Frowning, I opened my eyes to find Kyle and Charlie in the room, looking down at us with a smile before laughing.

I sat up, glaring at the guys and silently cursing at them for coming in without our consent. "How the hell did you guys get in?"

Kyle shrugged, fishing a key from his pocket. "My mate over here gave me an extra key."

"What the hell do you want?" Dan murmured, glancing up at Charlie and Kyle.

"We're going out because Mia is leaving in 6 days and we need to do something before she leaves," Charlie answered.

"Valid reason," I said, rubbing my eyes. "Just give us about 20 minutes and we'll be ready, okay?"

They both nodded before turning around and leaving the room, Charlie closing the door behind him.

I flipped the covers over me, getting up and heading off to the shower. I didn't bother to fix my hair since it would take much longer than 20 minutes, considering I had long, curly hair.

Once I was dressed I went into the living room and slipped on my shoes before grabbing my coat. I sure do miss the Florida weather...

"So, where are we even going?" I asked as we left Dan's flat and began walking down the street.

"First, we're going to the music store because I need to grab something. Then maybe out for lunch?" Kyle said from beside me.

I nodded, "sounds good!"

It wasn't long before we arrived at the music store, being greeted by all kinds of instruments. While the guys were looking at something I began wandering around the store until I found the ukuleles. Though I didn't make music my job, I did know how to play quite a number of instruments.

I picked up on the ukuleles and began strumming it, getting used to the small body. After a couple minutes of playing, Dan noticed and walked over, smiling at me.

I continued to strum the instrument, smiling at Dan before finally stopping and placing the ukulele back.

"Aw but you're really good!" He said, giving me a hug.

I grinned, "why thank you, but there's no point in me buying it."

He shrugged, "buy it in Toronto then?"

"Maybe," I said, standing on my tiptoes and pecking Dans cheek with a kiss.

"Alright love birds, time to go!" Charlie called, pointing his finger towards the door.

We all decided to have lunch at a small little cafe, wasting about an hour' s time of just talking and goofing off.

We were able to leave but Charlie and Kyle went off to the bathroom.

Dan and I were left waiting outside, a cup of tea in my hand. Dan was putting on his jacket when his hand flew up, knocking the cup of tea out of my hand.

I wasn't able to react quick enough, though, letting the tea spill on my t-shirt 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Mia!" Dan said, his hands in front of him as he tried looking around for napkins.

Thankfully, though, Charlie and Kyle came out of the building, Charlie giving me his extra jacket.

I thanked him, taking the jacket and shrugging it on before quickly zipping it up. I couldn't help but notice Dan's glare towards Charlie, which only made me laugh.

"What?" Dan asked, looking at me funny.

I rolled my eyes, "You, he's just being nice and there's no need to be mad."

He gave a small smile, putting an arm over my shoulder, "Sorry."


The next couple of days were a drag, reality hitting me that I'd no longer live in London, and that really scared me.

I was finally able to turn the TV off at around 3 AM, thankfully I didn't hear Dan up in his room working on music so that put me at a little ease. I got up from the couch, glancing out the window to see the all too familiar empty London street I've been seeing for the past couple nights. Every night was a struggle for me, realizing I'd be leaving tomorrow felt like a stake to the gut. Sure, I was excited, but I was also mortified at the fact that I'd be leaving everyone I love. And I mean just about everyone.

I let out a sigh before turning on my heels to head to bed, only to be greeted by Dan at the hallway doorway. It wasn't until he walked over, giving me a hug, that I realized I was crying.

"I know," He said softly, hugging me a bit more tightly.

"What if I change my mind?" I whispered softly, the regrets starting to hit me.

He shook his head, "You're not, but if you do, you know where to find me."

 "And we'll try and make this long distance thing work?" I asked.

"No doubt about it."


This took me way too long to write wtf...? Also, so sorry if the editing sucks, I was being trushed. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter! More soon to come :)

- Lots of love, Vanina.

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