Late Nights

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Dan had left for bed around eleven, telling me a quick good night before leaving for his room, his computer in tow. I was left in the living room, staying up for what felt like all night staying lost in my thoughts as I stared out the window, watching the curtains wave in the wind since I cracked the window open.

I let out a small sigh, and almost getting up to head to bed since I knew if I stayed up any longer I wasn't even going to sleep. But I was quickly joined in my company.

Dan poked his head from behind me, giving me a tired smile before walking around and sitting down beside me, pulling his legs up.

"I thought you went to bed?" I asked, slightly concerned because I knew he hasn't really been getting any sleep lately with being on tour.

He shrugged, "So did I," Dan said, chuckling a little, "I just can't sleep, it's fine."

Unconvincingly, I raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure? I know you've barely sleep these couple days," I added.

He lightly punched my shoulder, "I'm fine, mom." Dan said with a laugh before we both fell into a silence, just listening to the cars drive by. "You know I don't hate you, right?" Dan said suddenly.

I glared at him, "Yeah, I know..." I said, nodding my head slowly.

"No, I mean about earlier today," He began, "I know I got you a bit mad and I just want to say I'm sorry, I guess?"

I smiled at his apology, "Dan, it's fine. I was just a little confused because you've seen me fall before and not get so scared."

Dan nodded, "I know but the last thing I want is to come here for no reason and when I leave we won't talk to each other at all, because that would suck and I'd probably scream because I was such an idiot-"

"You're rambling," I said with a smile, leaning up against him, my eyes getting very droopy.

"Sorry," He said softly, putting an arm around me.

I smiled, "It's okay, dork. I'm heading off to bed," I said, taking a little of a risk and pecking his cheek with a kiss. I was slightly surprised when he pulled me back on the couch, and before I knew it his lips were planted on mine. And I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

Things got heated pretty quickly, but the voice in my head kept telling me to stop even though I was doing otherwise. I gave him a final kiss before pushing him back slightly, causing him to pull back immediately and become very self-aware of what he just did.

"Shit, did I ruin it even more?" He asked, his eyebrows quickly drawing together and his blue eyes filling with guilt.

I shook my head, "No. Just, can I get some time to think about this?" I asked before quickly changing my words, "I mean about us."

Dan gave me a small nod, finding interest in the hem of his shirt. I couldn't help but feel completely guilty as well, "Dan, it's fine, honestly." I said, but he just stayed quiet. I grabbed one of my crutches and made it to my room, hearing Dan go off into his room after me as well.

Well, we really screwed up...


I had woken up at around six this morning, getting up right away and hopping my way outside to my balcony since I was too lazy to grab my crutches. I quickly sat down, pulling the blanket that was sitting outside around me, the October weather finally getting to me. Being sat out there let me try and figure out what happened last night and what we were going to do. But ultimately I ended up calling Kyle since I figured he knew something that I didn't.

"Hey, Mia! What's up?" Kyle called from the other end of the phone, sounding happy as always.

"Hey," I started a little hesitantly, "Could I ask you something?"

He stayed quiet for a second before telling me to spill, "Why did Dan want to stay at my place for a while?" I asked before quickly adding, "And be completely honest."

Kyle let out a sigh, "The main reason why he came was because he didn't want his relationship with you to turn to dust," He explained. "But he also wanted to see if he still had a romantic interest in you."

I groaned, "God dammit," I said, putting a hand to my head.

"Wait, what happened Mia?" He asked quickly, getting concerned.

I shook my head even though I knew he couldn't see me, "We kind of hit it off last night," I said, quickly explaining what exactly happened.

"Fuck, why didn't he just talk to you?" Kyle asked, getting slightly mad at Dan, "Just talk to him Mia, he'll listen, and you should know this best."


;)))) You'll thank me later.

Thank you so much for 5.4k reads! It's been really crazy to watch that number keep growing the last few days :) Anyway, like usual, I hope you liked the chapter!

- Lots of love, Vanina

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