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For the past couple of days, Dan and I have been out and about the city from going to the park with my dog, Lizzy, to going out for dinner a couple times. As for sleeping accommodations, we sort of kicked Ashleigh out, but all was well, she ended up staying at her boyfriends' place while Dan was here since she didn't want to interfere; whatever that means.

I was greeted by the sweet smell of pancakes and bacon coming from the kitchen, I gave a small smile at the thought that Dan had actually cooked. I rolled out of bed and got dressed in my riding clothes since my trainer wanted me to ride a couple horses while I was down there, including a new horse. Pulling my hair up, I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, seeing Dan sat at the table munching away at an apple, his plate already scraped clean.

He glanced up at me, giving me a smile before swallowing the bite of the apple, "G'morning," Dan said, putting his phone down.

"Morning," I said from behind my shoulder as I put a pancake on my plate and smothered it with Nutella and some strawberries, "Could you come to the barn with me?" I asked him as I sat beside him.

Dan thought for a second, his eyebrows drawing together, "Do I have to?" He asked kindly.

I shrugged, "It'd be nice, I'm riding a new horse and I want to make sure someone is there in case something were to happen," I mentioned, taking a bite of my breakfast.

The second I mentioned that he gave me a nod, getting up and throwing his apple away, "I'm going to change and we can get going," Dan said, leaving the kitchen once I gave him a nod.

I was able to quickly finish eating, grabbing my plate and Dans and putting it in the sink before grabbing my keys and telling Dan I'd be in the car. I had left the aux cord open for him since he always got really excited when I let him pick the music, and I wasn't wrong when he opened the door and saw it open.

"This," Dan began, holding the cord up, "is why I'm friends with you," He said, grinning from ear to ear, pulling his phone out and plugging in the aux cord and beginning to play his music.

The drive to the barn wasn't all too long, taking around fifteen minutes plus a few more for traffic. Once we were there, I went to get London ready first since he was really excited yesterday and I saw no harm in riding him today to get a feel for him. As I was grooming him, I saw Dan reach into my bag for a treat to give to London. I watched with a smile as Dan gave him the treat, London carefully picking it up and happily munching on the food.

"He's a lot nicer than Hugo," He said with a small smile before stepping back from London.

I rolled my eyes, laughing a bit, "Just because Hugo leaves your hand all slobbery, doesn't mean he's mean to you," I replied, grabbing a hoof pick and beginning to clean London's hooves. He scoffed quietly from behind me, causing me to only giggle and tell him to set a few of the jumps down to 2'6" in the arena. Thankfully the barn had each height labeled on the jumps.

I flatted London for about five minutes, pretty pleased with how calm he was feeling today, usually whenever he was hyper he stayed that way until he was outside in the pasture. I called for Dan's attention when I came to jump, just wanting him to correct any obvious mistakes I make, though he's never ridden before, he is able to notice mistakes and he corrects them for me.

We took the first fence easily, London gives a lot of effort into it, bringing his knees up to his head like I wanted him to. He's going to have to look really pretty when we start showing on the American circuit. As for the second fence, not so much, I honestly have no idea what happened, but he came to a screeching halt a couple feet before the fence and knocked me right over, a crack coming from where I made contact with the fence.

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