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I was woken up by Jello meowing and pawing at my head, causing me to throw my pillow over my head.

"Shut your cat up, Mia," Dan groaned, throwing something at Jello.

I rolled my eyes, "Do you have a death wish?" I called, quickly getting up and picking up my cat before he clawed Dan.

He frowned, "No but he obviously has anger issues..."

"Remind me not to wake you up early," I growled.

Dan makes a face before sticking his tongue out and topping it off with a middle finger.

"I have a satanic cat and I'm not afraid to use him," I warned, holding Jello a couple inches in front of me.

"Alright, alright, alright!"

I shut my bedroom door behind me, setting down my cat and going to feed him. While he was eating, I took Lizzy outside, letting her play a little before bringing inside again. When I was back up at my flat Dan was searching through my fridge, taking out a bottle of coffee I had in there.

"Could I ask for a favor?" Dan asked, cocking his head a bit.

I nodded, "If it's not too much." I replied, messing with my bracelet.

"We have an acoustic thing to do today and one of the girls who was playing violin canceled last minute. Do you think you could play instead?" Dan asked, pulling his puppy dog eyes.

I glanced in the direction in which I kept my violin. I haven't played in a while, but I most certainly didn't lose my touch. Least I hope I didn't, "Yeah why not."

He grinned from ear to ear, "Awesome! Now get dressed because we have to leave."

"You bastard," I replied before heading off to my room. I got dressed in skinny jeans, a blouse, and a leather jacket since it was a little chilly, fall finally being felt in London. I quickly brushed my dark red-brown hair off to the side, not bothering to straighten it. I needed to wear my curly hair around some more anyway.

Walking back into the living room, I quickly grabbed my wallet, phone, and violin case before turning to Dan who led me down to his car. We arrived at the venue fairly quickly, allowing us to help set up before I was able to sit down and tune my violin and play the music Dan gave me.

They were playing Flaws, Bad Blood, and Pompeii, like usual. It wasn't long before I knew what I was doing for all three songs, allowing me to just quickly run over each one.

When we started, I seemed to just forget everything in the world and just focus on my playing, humming along quietly, admiring the music my friend has written. I always enjoyed listening to their music, it may seem kind of weird, but it puts me at ease even though I talk to them all the time. I really needed this too, my entire week was just stress and anxiety and it felt really good to just forget all about it. Not to mention, I realized how much I missed playing, the sound of the everything just coming together in harmony, I couldn't help but smile as I played.


"You were amazing! I don't know why you stopped!" Kyle called, smiling brightly at me.

I grinned, "Thanks, I just never had the time to just play, but I really needed this."

Dan walked over to Kyle and me, "We should just hire you."

"Ha-ha, that'd be nice if I didn't have a job," I replied. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out seeing that Ashleigh was calling, "Speaking of job..."

I got up, answering my phone and stepping aside to talk to her, "What's up?" I began.

"You know how we were talking about moving to Toronto later on?" She asked, her voice full of excitement.

I frowned, "I mentioned it, but I was never 100 percent with the idea..."

"Doesn't matter, I think I found the perfect place."


Oh shit. ;) Sorry for this sucky and short chapter, I kinda rushed myself and I had so many ideas I couldn't pick one.

- Lots of love, Vanina

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